Here's the thing, if you're not a judge your view on what determines as Quality is largely irrelevant. This is why we need to make sure every judge if someone whose spriting skill is uncontested (i.e. our good Reverend), and also why judge rotation will be a pain. Having judge slots open for theoretically everyone is great and all, but that also opens the way for people who might not be the best interpreter of the scoring categories sitting in that seat. I think there should be set judges just to make this shit easier, but it's not looking like anyone will agree with me.
Seeing as this is an artistic contest, Quality as a judging aspect is and should be pretty obviously only applying to technical skill. Call it Skill, call it Quality, whichever works. But you keep trying to advocate that Quality should apply to individual opinions, which is really just mucking this shit up. My original post of judging categories was fine, because we've yet to run into any issues with that scoring system over on Inc. I don't see the point of having sprite contests if half the damn thread are people arguing over different definitions of the same words. This thread is now at four pages and there are only two entries. I think that speaks for itself.
So, I'll repeat myself, only I'll explain in detail this time.
-Overall Design
This means we're judging it on how good the visual design itself is, without factoring in technical sprite quality.
Plainly put, how original is the design? Has it been done before? Is the sprite an obvious edit or bad Franken?
-Technical Quality
This is a judgement on the technical sprite quality itself; whether or not it is cleanly lined and well-shaded, proportionally correct, no major errors, etc.
Does the contest call for animation in its entries to begin with? If so, this wouldn't be factored in since animation quality is already covered under Technical Quality; if the contest only asks for a static sprite, animating it could potentially give that contestant an extra point for animating it.
-Various Other Bonuses
These can be anything that pertains to the individual contest, but not totally necessary for the basic contest rules. So, if there's a contest that already covers the Basic Three and Animation, this would best be used for entries that go above and beyond; such as a "make a mockup" contest entry doing mockups in multiple styles.
So, taking those into account, let's make a hypothetical scoring guide.
Overall Design - x/10
Originality - x/10
Technical Quality - x/10
Animation - x/1
Bonus - x/1
So if we were to hypothetically use all five, the maximum score would be 32, 30 if nothing but the basic rules were followed.
This isn't as complicated as you people are making it. All we'd need are those Basic Three and Animation when it counts. The Various Other Bonuses may not even be necessary, but I felt like explaining the prospect of it.