I must say I'm extremelly surprised. It was an honor to compete with you dudes.
Your entry scared the hell out of my soul for its sheer size and detail. I love the ivory-like texture on the wings. I mean, it may not have been your intention, but the wings give me the impression that they are made of a smooth stone-like material.
As I mentioned, I also though about going with the dragon motif, and even did sketches on it, but figured that I couldn't pull it off on the context I wanted, and I'd never be able to pull it off on this magnitude.
Incredible job on texturing this monstruosity, and amazing display of patience.
Your entry is ridiculously well done. The part I specially love is the lighting on the wings and boots. Young Dracula is a concept that is too underexplored on the series, and Konami could benefit lots from it. Well, if they pulled it off as well as you did, that is. When I saw it, after Dracula9's entry, I though I was done for.
I've posted about your artwork on my Facebook, and it was unanimous among my friends that you two have uncanny pixelling skill. You dudes rock, not only those who placed, but everyone who joined the contest: Jop, Donvermicell and ZeroSaberGreen. I look foward to be scared like this again!