1st. place: Donvermicelli's Thunderbird
I really like this one. I can see each feather, talon, and other details. I only have
a few problems. 1. The shading bounces around in some places. This can be fixed by using a frontal light sorce (and not pillow shading). 2. Lack of depth. Related to the shading problems. Can be fixed by adding more contrast, and having one more shad which basically acts as a defining color, not on outline or shading color, but used to define certain details (should be darkest color in ramp). Other than that, i really like this one. It stood out to me.
2nd. place: Shiroi's Kasa-obake
Only second because of how small it was. I feel like this one had alot of potential, because of the kind of creature it was. The colors are good, amd the shading (?) is just sodt enough. Other than that, not much I can really say on this.
3rd. place: Jop's Tanga Tanga
Damn, was this a tough choice to make. The creature itself is really cool, and the way you sprited it was even cooler. The thing that put me off, though, was the blending colors. All the colors kinda mesh together. But you are getting better with your depth! Keep up the good work.