Deadline for submissions: April 26th (11:59 PM PST)Judgement: by tribunal and popular vote from April 26th to April 30th at midnight and Winners announced on May (whenever the all judges are done)
Volunteer Judges: I need names here! Or else the poll shall decide the winner.
Theme: Create awards (gold, silver and bronze) for the upcoming short story contest.
Prizes: Award medals for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.
Guidelines for Participants:-Provide your sprite in 1x and 2x zoom at least.
-No style restrictions but must be different from the awards that we are already using for the other contests.
-Each participant is required to make a 3 piece set of gold, silver and bronze.
-Size must not exceed 32x32 pixels.
-Contestants can post as many entries as they want and may update their entries freely before the submission deadline.
-You may withdraw any entry at any time before the judgement begins.
Important info: These sprites will be used in the Dungeon!Guidelines for Judges:-Judgement will use a point system.
-4 points awarded for your first place choice.
-2 points awarded for your second place choice.
-1 point for your third place choice.
-When posting your scores write up an explanation/critique of your judgement.
-Additional rounds of judgement will be used for tie breakers.
-Judges cannot participate in the contest.
-There will be a poll to vote for the most popular sprite and this popular vote would serve as an extra judge.
Entries: KaZudra
2nd placeJop
1st place