Some really fascinating discussion here...while it's been a while since I played an FF game, I do have something to say about the article in Jorge's post. While the article *that* links back to is somewhat overblown (unethical videogame companies aren't exactly on the same level of harm as, say, unethical pharmaceutical companies), it raises fair points. However, I'd say that even if companies exist only to make money, that doesn't necessarily mean they'll abuse their consumers. I'm not the naive sort who believes that nice guys always finish first or that underhanded business strategies can never work, but some of the most moneygrubbing jerks in the industry have found themselves in dire straits as of late. Look at Zynga--run by a guy who once said, "I don't fucking want innovation," it started to slow down some in 2012, partially due to declining sales of its games. Bilking the consumer is not *necessarily* the best way to make money.
(BTW, Jorge, may I quote you, if necessary, in a blog post I hope to write soon?