New Year Update!
After years of relentless grinding on this project, we finally released Carpathian Night Starring Bela Lugosi in 2024! I could not be more happy with the results, and thanks again to this community, which undeniably played a role in the creation of this game.
Ports: Our most recent release was the Nintendo Switch version, and now our focus has shifted to the Xbox port. After the release of the Xbox version, we begin work on the Playstation port. We should have CNsBL on all major platforms by the end of 2025.
Localization: We plan to add a localization feature sometime in 2025, likely starting with Spanish and Portuguese.
Extra Content: No promises, but we are interested in adding more content, such as new levels, a boss rush mode, new cutscenes etc... but this is likely a late 2025 project, as we have to focus on console ports and localization first.
To another year of vampire hunting!