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Off Topic / Re: Introduction
« Last post by whipsmemory on August 30, 2024, 12:53:05 AM »
Hey ! welcome.
The trees have no hit box. Zombies have no hit box when they rise. Mermen have no hit box when they attack.

Axe knights throw indestructible axes like I already said. But at least you can duck to avoid the top axe. In practice you should be able to jump the bottom axe. But good luck doing that.

The ladder snakes shoot indestructible fireballs that track your position so they're even more annoying.

The bone snake boss and harpies are the worst at this. Because they shoot multiple projectiles in a cone shape and you have no choice but to take damage.

I understand they probably wanted to make the game a little more difficult but that's not the way to do it. I would gladly take back death pits and fixed jump arcs if they would fix the projectiles

Mermen can definitely be hit while they're shooting, i don't know how you assumed otherwise. As for the Snake Ladders fireball, it's not tracking, and the three way projectiles are as usual meant to be dodged from a distance, of course standing too close will result in a hit. About the lower axe, why you don't consider jumping an option or difficult to pull off? That's literally what you are meant to do and you can even change direction mid-air. I don't get your complains at all, you genuinely got me confused
i hope this means that konami is actively allocating funds towards castlevania development again
hahaha hohohooo haahhahaa
I'm excited to see if there's any unused content kind of like how Rebirth had unused music tracks and level layout in Haunted Castle Revisited, I've also been enjoying the DS games but I do hope they make it so you can full screen the main game but I doubt that will happen since it looks like they're doing exactly what capcom did for the Megaman ZX games in that zero collection that came out a few years back.
New haunted castle is a fun romp. feels good to play and retains more of its identity as haunted castle than i would've expected.
I've seen a good few fan projects from this forum that blow it out of the water.
I don't like being a hater but my standards for a 2d castlevania are a little higher than what this offered. it's been 15 years and we get a game that's essentially equal in quality to the adventure rebirth, which i already thought was a little subpar. a real noticeable lack of effort into the pixel art and animation shows, from the cutscenes and bosses down to the walk cycle of the main character. really wishing the music had stuck with the genesis inspired sound of rebirth, or at least something with some synths in it, sampled guitar and violin really isn't my favorite.
i hope this means that konami is actively allocating funds towards castlevania development again. despite what i have to say about it i'm still in disbelief that this is a new official castlevania.
The trees have no hit box. Zombies have no hit box when they rise. Mermen have no hit box when they attack.

Axe knights throw indestructible axes like I already said. But at least you can duck to avoid the top axe. In practice you should be able to jump the bottom axe. But good luck doing that.

The ladder snakes shoot indestructible fireballs that track your position so they're even more annoying.

The bone snake boss and harpies are the worst at this. Because they shoot multiple projectiles in a cone shape and you have no choice but to take damage.

I understand they probably wanted to make the game a little more difficult but that's not the way to do it. I would gladly take back death pits and fixed jump arcs if they would fix the projectiles
Ugh that's too bad.  I found myself swinging at a lot of air when attacking evil tree branches and zombies before they were fully risen in the first stage - guess I have more things to not hit in later stages. 

As for the axe knights themselves, I guess they're just being true to the source material?  The axes were on chains I think that couldn't be knocked off back then.  But it must be frustrating.

which order are people tackling the DS games?  it seems as though the devs wanted us to play it in chronological order - though maybe they just put latest on top for some reason. i'm just playing a little bit of each at a time and then switching to the next one.  had to try to get all the controls synchronized as best i could so i didn't get them all mixed up in my head.

also, actually got to see what Hammer might look like in action in the credits.  too bad we still can't play as him. 
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: "Translation Request" Thread
« Last post by LuxKiller65 on August 28, 2024, 10:46:18 PM »
I'm heading to VGMdb to suggest "Don't" instead of "Can't" because it makes a lot more sense. Especially when you realise the whole bridge level is clearly daytime, and Simon is rushing to kill Dracula (before night falls). The only one excited about the night is Dracula, but I don't think it's his point of view that we are following.
I haven't seen anyone point this out. But I HATE the way projectiles work in Haunted Castle Revisited. Axe knights will throw axes at you and you can't destroy them. Same thing for the ladder snakes and harpies. I don't understand why they did that.
I'm playing it on Switch.  You can adjust the pointer speed by clicking the right thumbstick.
oh sweet thanks. also, watched a video that said they were changed to quick time events when you don't have the option to use a touch screen.  gonna try my first DS boss as soon as I'm done with dinner (i've been sampling all the games, haven't gotten very far into any of them).
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