When it's the way you're going about it already.
What are you specifically objecting to? "the way you're going about it" is extremely vague. Is it our mission statement? Our images? Our videos? Some random comment that was made here, Facebook, or elsewhere? What was said? What was the context? Etc... The copout is "everything" so let's cut to the chase. What would you do differently --presuming you agree with the objective?
Your first post in this thread.
The first post in this thread includes an introduction and 3 separate quoted conversations. Could you be a little more specific?
What we want varies from person to person. Some people DO want the LoS games to continue. That right there debunks your statement.
When did we say that we DO NOT want the LoS games to continue? We have some outspoken LoS fans in our group --because they understand Operation: Akumajo is not about Lords of Shadow, it's about preserving Akumajo Dracula. Konami has positioned LoS as a reboot *a replacement* to Akumajo Dracula --and we are responding in that context.
However you are missing the real point of all of this entirely. You can't think of specifically what you, or you perceive others, to want. You need to make a reasonable suggestion and actually back it up with a logical set of reasons why they should even bother. So far, I've seen nothing in the way of this from your organization. It's always been things like "1999DCW OR WE DON'T WANT IT".
It sounds like you believe we shouldn't be asking for anything unless we can present Konami some kind of a market study showing point by point how and why they should make games like Demon Castle War. What's wrong with telling Konami what we want, and letting them respond with some market study telling us why they can't?
I don't have time to go through every single bullet point, so I will summarize the idea.
Big media in the industry, such as IGN and others, will not usually publish about groups like this if they're handling it like you do. Take a better look at how other petitions and such have handled their campaigns. Learn how to professionally conduct yourself. Little things like using the organization's title to speak through with your own voice dwindle your professional reputation. I really don't have time to tutor you guys on this. Just study a lot more before you jump head long into it. As much as you may not want to hear it; if you can't seem to fix it just hand the reigns off to someone else. Then again, now you have this stigma already attached to the group's name and it may not be possible to turn the image you've already presented around. As it is, and I know you may disagree but, I don't think you will be accomplishing anything in the long run.
At the end of the day, it's usually the games that make the news --not the fans. For example --Megaman Legends 3 was a major story when it was first announced, so naturally its cancellation and the resulting fan outrage were a natural follow up on that story. That publicity was the fuel behind 100,00 Strong. Majora's Mask would never have come up, if not for the massive media coverage of Ocarina 3DS --and the passive challenge from Zelda series producer, Eiji Aonuma.
Operation Rainfall is the one major exception. They actually formed on IGN's forums and receivd favorable coverage on the IGN website just a few days after Nintendo announced that Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower would not be localized for North American release. Although I don't have evidence, one might suspect the editors publishing the story may have had a vested interest in the group. But even so, the games themselves were still newsworthy.
Considering that Castlevania isn't in the news, how would you have us follow any of these examples. I know you're talking about the tone of our activism, but what you're not understanding is that these groups have had some very powerful friends carrying their water. They never really needed to make much noise to draw attention to their causes --the media delivered their message to the masses for them.