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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #135 on: December 03, 2011, 06:00:14 PM »
How about doing like. "10,000 strong for making SotN2." Ya know that Alucard game from TGS 2008  ;)

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #136 on: December 03, 2011, 06:30:47 PM »
Occypy Castlevania... I had myself a good lol.
Laura and Gabriel arrive in the deepest cave of the castle and... they find IGA.

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #137 on: December 03, 2011, 06:32:43 PM »
How about doing like. "10,000 strong for making SotN2." Ya know that Alucard game from TGS 2008 

Bah! there is no way that I would support something like that

If dot point two were less specific to that darn demon castle war people keep making a big fuss over I'd probably be 100% behind those points

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #138 on: December 03, 2011, 06:39:15 PM »
If dot point two were less specific to that darn demon castle war people keep making a big fuss over I'd probably be 100% behind those points

Well, I only put it specifically because it was pretty much the one thing people WERE calmouring for the most to be made, that would wrap up the original timeline. I didn't say it had to be the only game, but it made the most sense.

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #139 on: December 04, 2011, 12:04:51 AM »
Alright asked for any aid in the cause of relying fans to your plight, and I am here to deliver.

However, I think Operation: Akumajou has received too negative a light. Perhaps I can suggest something else:


Just as O:A has banked on the success of Operation Rainfall, Occupy Castlevania can bank on the...errr....well, popularity of Occupy Wallstreet.

With Occupy: Castlevania, you can easily simplify your goals, while not making them unattainable or outrageous.
  • Consideration from Konami to wrap up the original timeline (presumably with the Demon Castle War) if they plan on going ahead with the new timeline exclusively
  • If the Demon Castle War game is made, the request to make it 2D or 2.5D in the vein of the older games
  • Suggestions that compilations be released, such as a Castlevania Classic Collection of the old games (NES-->Rondo/Bloodlines)
  • Request that more common ground be found between the Lords of Shadow games and the original games (ie: catchier music, deeper connection between vampire lore, slightly less high-fantasy and more gothic creepy adventure, etc.)

Notice how these are all fan-based appeals to Konami, that are both polite and not overreaching. They ostracize neither the new games or the old games, and simply make suggestions for compromise between the two types of fans of the series. There are no demands. There is no begging. There is only invitation to Konami and all those involved in the current development of the Castlevania series to consider these ideas from long-time devoted fans of the series. You use this polite, concise type of request, and BASH THEM OVER THE HEAD with it, over and over again. Every week, a new tweet or poke to their social media pages about it. Kill them with steadfast kindness and considerate determination.....and you can be surprised what it gets you.

(that 85% thing is a estimation of how many oldschool fans there are compared to new-school fans who'd be up for this....if anyone has more realistic numbers, please let me know and I'll change it. It's probably closer to 60% or less)

If you don't feel this is your type of thing...I'll see if one of the other organizations will handle the idea. Simply a suggestion.

Sindra, I just sent you a personal message.  You should find its contents most interesting...

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #140 on: December 04, 2011, 07:40:49 PM »
When I hear about articles like this, its tough to turn away. I adhere to the LoS being in CV title only.. honestly its meant to be a side saga, not part of the entire lineage. Otherwise we have a broken series all over again. Honestly I find myself in the middle regarding whether to check out LoS, or let it be. I've heard and read so many mixed comments its tough to actually validate what I think unless I actually play it. But seeing this fandom shifting gears, I can't help but support some ideas.

For one, don't attack those who are actually creating the title. Vouch for some missed ideas, don't put anyone down. We might actually see future chapters evolve from this new engine, and it could envelope both 2D or 3D.

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #141 on: December 05, 2011, 11:07:47 AM »
they just don't have the *wow* factor they did back in the 90's
Neither have 2D games.
Nowadays games are recoginzed for its graphics and for its gameplay. However 3D is still more popular simply because it was more prevalent in the last decade and 2D games are viewed as thing of the past or stuff for portable consoles.

As for "Occupy Castlevania" - it's goals sound more plausiable than OA, however I think such name have negative, almost forcible connotation.

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #142 on: December 05, 2011, 09:31:09 PM »
Neither have 2D games.
Nowadays games are recoginzed for its graphics and for its gameplay. However 3D is still more popular simply because it was more prevalent in the last decade and 2D games are viewed as thing of the past or stuff for portable consoles.

Video games have always been recognized for their graphics and gameplay, but there was a once a time when the novelty of a 3-D presentation had such "wow factor" that it blinded players to the awful, clunky, polygon graphics of the N64/PSX --that era is long past.  If you go back and play games like Mario 64, Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil, Ocarina of Time, etc --it's quite obvious that most of those graphics haven't aged as gracefully as the SNES generation.  In fact, the best games of that generation have mostly been remade already.  Although 3-D games dominate retail, that really has more to do with developers flooding the market, than the sales of individual games.  When you look at what's out there, only a few 2-D games have been made for home consoles, but those few are remarkable, high quality products that sell very, very well.  It's also worth noting that most of those games have a high nostalgia factor that appeals to mature gamers.  There may well be a generation gap, but that's hard to say without an in-depth market analysis.  One thing is for certain though --2-D gameplay can compete and outsell 3-D when given proper treatment.  There's more than enough evidence to challenge anyone who believes 2-D games are a dead, obsolete artform.  And there's a whole world of possibilities for Castlevania if the suits at Konami set aside their 3-D biases and think outside the box.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 09:33:32 PM by cecil-kain »

Offline Ghetto-blasteR

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #143 on: December 05, 2011, 11:13:16 PM »
One thing is for certain though --2-D gameplay can compete and outsell 3-D when given proper treatment.  There's more than enough evidence to challenge anyone who believes 2-D games are a dead, obsolete artform.  And there's a whole world of possibilities for Castlevania if the suits at Konami set aside their 3-D biases and think outside the box.

i dig this. well, going as far as to say that 2d can outsell 3d isn't entirely clear, but it's not unbelievable either.

probably the choice of 2d or 3d though is going to be largely dependent on the type of game you're talking about. easiest example: i don't see how you could possibly have a baseball game in 2d. for something like CV, on the other hand, i can understand why you'd say that the suits are 3d-biased in terms of selecting 3d over 2d (but i wouldn't necessarily extend that generalization to all games).

i think 2d gameplay can thrive, especially if you throw in little camera tricks to make it look 3d. or, for example, in duke nukem manhattan project, even though the stages were essentially 2d, sometimes the ground would jut out into the third dimension and the character's path would just follow it, with the camera turning along to match. so basically 2d but not purely so.

but despite my skepticism about 3d CV, i think 1) LoS really wasn't bad at all (its 3d-ness was not the real source of its flaws), and 2) they shouldn't stop at least trying to help CV make the dimensional leap. here, two simultaneous projects would be convenient. probably something like 2d for handhelds, 3d for console, kinda like it is right now. let's be realistic: it's hard to imagine a reason for them to make a 2d CV ONLY for consoles (other than HoD in which you have to view a giant freaking map all at once)

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #144 on: December 06, 2011, 12:05:22 AM »
i dig this. well, going as far as to say that 2d can outsell 3d isn't entirely clear, but it's not unbelievable either.

probably the choice of 2d or 3d though is going to be largely dependent on the type of game you're talking about. easiest example: i don't see how you could possibly have a baseball game in 2d. for something like CV, on the other hand, i can understand why you'd say that the suits are 3d-biased in terms of selecting 3d over 2d (but i wouldn't necessarily extend that generalization to all games).

i think 2d gameplay can thrive, especially if you throw in little camera tricks to make it look 3d. or, for example, in duke nukem manhattan project, even though the stages were essentially 2d, sometimes the ground would jut out into the third dimension and the character's path would just follow it, with the camera turning along to match. so basically 2d but not purely so.

but despite my skepticism about 3d CV, i think 1) LoS really wasn't bad at all (its 3d-ness was not the real source of its flaws), and 2) they shouldn't stop at least trying to help CV make the dimensional leap. here, two simultaneous projects would be convenient. probably something like 2d for handhelds, 3d for console, kinda like it is right now. let's be realistic: it's hard to imagine a reason for them to make a 2d CV ONLY for consoles (other than HoD in which you have to view a giant freaking map all at once)

Konami should REALLY play Sonic Generations (either versions) on Modern sonic.

The Console version Knew that sonic could not be in full 3D and have all of it's charm, so they added 2d platforming sections in the stage, a Castlevania game with a simular design would unarguably please both the fans of the 3d vanias as well as the 2dvanias.

The 3DS version, acts like Duke: Manhattan with a full scaled 2d stage which uses various camera tricks to add the not-so-flat effect.

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #145 on: December 06, 2011, 11:42:57 AM »
Another thing is that 3D games add a third dimension, which changes things. Makes a game bigger and well, 3D. you can do more with 3D.

you can have environments and such. 3D adds more options for the game.

Thats a reason why 2D has sort of been left behind or left for portables. Because 3D in terms of gameplay, offers more.
Laura and Gabriel arrive in the deepest cave of the castle and... they find IGA.

Offline cecil-kain

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #146 on: December 06, 2011, 01:39:45 PM »
Another thing is that 3D games add a third dimension, which changes things. Makes a game bigger and well, 3D. you can do more with 3D.

you can have environments and such. 3D adds more options for the game.

Thats a reason why 2D has sort of been left behind or left for portables. Because 3D in terms of gameplay, offers more.

The best 3-D games are those that use the X Y and Z axises effectively.  Sadly, some games are 3-D for the sake of presentation moreso than actual gameplay.  For example, Curse of Darkness could have easily been on overhead perspective 2-D game --anyone remember that clocktower stage?  One thing Lords of Shadow fixed was reintroducing vertical environments --unfortunately, this created more wall crawling than actual Castlevania-style platforming.

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #147 on: December 06, 2011, 03:44:40 PM »
Another thing is that 3D games add a third dimension, which changes things. Makes a game bigger and well, 3D. you can do more with 3D.

you can have environments and such. 3D adds more options for the game.

Thats a reason why 2D has sort of been left behind or left for portables. Because 3D in terms of gameplay, offers more.
I think what 3D adds also limits it, to an extent. Sure, you can go in more directions, but the awkwardness of "invisible walls" never been more, well, awkward. You can also only do so much, rendering-wise, unless you want to waste years trying to create a fully 3D, high detailed world. You could always opt for a sandbox title, but even those have their limitations. I always found that rather disheartening, though. With high res 3D games, you can render so much and squeeze that on a single disc. What you dream of, back in the day when 2D gaming was more mainstream, was how 3D would "flesh out" the 2D worlds's porportions so that, maybe one day, we MIGHT get a CV game where you traverse a castle as big as that in SotN, including the depth you COULDN'T venture into but was always aparent in the backgrounds(doors, staircases, spacious areas and corridors). But in the end, it seems like with each advance, they tighten the hands a little more. "Oh, that would take too much time! You can't possibly render ALL of that in 3D!". I'd actually love a massive 3D castle(have a 3D CV game take place solely in a castle, and make it gigantic), but that would probably never happen. To me, it's like that one episode of Twilight Zone, where they guy finally has all the peace and time in the world to read all the books in the library, but breaks his glasses. You get a good thing, and it comes with a sacrifice.

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #148 on: December 06, 2011, 04:56:56 PM »
One thing Lords of Shadow fixed was reintroducing vertical environments --unfortunately, this created more wall crawling than actual Castlevania-style platforming.

hmm, this could've been easily fixed if there was some simple combat that happened while wall crawling (you'd get attacked, and you'd be equipped with a very basic attack) and if the path of the wall crawl wasn't linear, so you'd have to make strategic choices.

To me, it's like that one episode of Twilight Zone, where they guy finally has all the peace and time in the world to read all the books in the library, but breaks his glasses. You get a good thing, and it comes with a sacrifice.

ahahahahahaha gold.

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #149 on: December 09, 2011, 10:43:18 AM »
Sindra, I just sent you a personal message.  You should find its contents most interesting...

Ok, so what just happened here? I'm not going to ask what you wrote to her but clearly it was something intimidating since she's nowhere to be seen.
Which is a shame because her suggestions were all fine and, most noteworthy, there were no demands being made, just polite language all through.

While I admire your willingness to take a stand and honestly express how you are feeling, in my mind, there is no doubt that Sindras approach is overwhelmingly more appealing to both fans and developers.

Your initiave was a great achievement but I feel the whole operation can reach more people if you think about the language you are using. One of the reasons I personally chose not to join in the effort was because of it.

Be well and good luck! :)

