Just like how every single movie nowadays just HAS to be in 3D
That's one of the ways Hollywood sucks. Another is the whole reboot trend. There are two moves I can list as prime examples of higher-ups trying to fuck things up:
1. Hellraiser reboot. Enter the Weinsteins. What was their pitch? If we are going to reboot this franchise, let's cater to the masses of teenagers. Instead of doing something close to Clive Barker's story(Dark exploration of the bounderies between pleasure and pain), let's turn it into slasher where Pinhead is demoted to a sorta "Jason Voorhees" type of killer and have him run around a college campus slaughtering people a frat parties and such! It would be cool! Toss in a bunch of drugs, sex and booze. Maybe some KEWL hip music! It's going to be cool, for the kids that love watching MTV and stuff!! Well.... the project was so stupid, it's on indefinite hold.
2. At the Mountains of Madness. Guillermo Del Toro always dreamed of making a full adaptation of HP Lovcraft's "At the Mountains of Madness", and wanted to keep as true to the source material as possible. This was a problem, as far as the big movie studios were concerned. Everytime he'd pitch his story(which would be Hard-R, a period piece set in the early 1900s and not sugar-coated), all the movie studios basically said the same thing. We'll only let you shoot this movie if:
1 It's PG-13
2. It's on a small budget and makes use of lots of CG.
3. You write in a female character and tack on a love story.
4. Has to be modernized, set in the modern era with modern technology and pop culture references.
Del Toro basically told each studio to fuck off. And a while, James Cameron heard of Del Toro's ballsy move and actually decided to help him produce it. Seemingly a lot of big name actors were on board too. Then project fell through and Del Toro moved on. In the end, no doubt, it was because Del Toro's sticking to his guns, we might never see that movie being made. And no doubt, because he pitched the ideas, these companies probably will, somewhere down the line, produce the movie themselves, without Del Toro, set it in modern times, have it CG heavy with a sappy love story, all in a PG-13 package.