Some more I found.
Unknown Castle (even the Irish wanted to kill Kenny)

Castile de la Mota (Spain)

Kasteel de Haar (Netherlands)

Guaita (San Marino)

Lichtenstein Castle (you just shit yourself, I know)

Burg Hochosterwitz (Austria)

Alcazar de Segovia (alcazar is a type of castle, this is the most famous one)

Burg Eltz (German)

Burg Satzvey

Burg Altena

Chateau Frontenac (Quebec) [not a castle per se]

Alnwick Castle (aka Hogwarts)

Ashford Castle

Hunyad (Romania)

Leeds Castle (England)

Lowenburg (modern)

Mont St. Michael

Chateau de Sully

Chateau de Chenonceau

Chateau de Challain (because Dracula's castle is essentially a chateau)

Chateau de Chantilly

Chateau de Saumur

Trakai Castle (Lithuania, pre-modern)

Dunrobin (Scottish)