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Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« on: May 12, 2014, 07:48:11 PM »
Is there anything in the main canon explaining how Dracula(or any vampire for that matter) would be affected by consuming Blood from a Belmont? I've played most of the games and there's been no reference to this. I've figured their blood would as harmful to vampires as holy water, but that's just a theory.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 07:58:10 PM by 13th Street »

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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2014, 07:53:14 PM »
nothing has been said in any game or media about this topic, so its all speculation. there is no right or wrong answer so any theory is plausible o.o;

the closest weve got was when dracula possessed/cursed Soleiyu Christoph's son
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 07:58:05 PM by crisis »

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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2014, 08:10:31 PM »
In HOD, Dracula Wraith said drinking Juste's blood would make him stable again. So I guess no adverse effects.

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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2014, 08:49:21 PM »
I think it would make Dracula stronger.

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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2014, 09:31:51 PM »
I have the personal theory that he drank Soleil's blood and that is the cause of him regaining his youthful appereance with enough recover time (Chronicles, OOE, POR) given than from.CV3 to BR he's old looking.

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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2014, 10:56:14 PM »
In HOD, Dracula Wraith said drinking Juste's blood would make him stable again. So I guess no adverse effects.

Bingo. Question answered. Drac ain't no dummy, and if he says Belmont blood is good for him, it must be.

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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2014, 12:19:12 AM »
Bingo. Question answered. Drac ain't no dummy, and if he says Belmont blood is good for him, it must be.

But Dracula Wraith is not Dracula himself, thus the question stands xD

But I think it does nothing to Dracula, really. It'd make him more powerful, just like any blood.
Director of that one 1999 fangame that is not out yet.

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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2014, 01:03:41 AM »
I think this question is somewhat up in the air. The Belmont blood has mystical properties that make them stand out amongst regular hunters via strength, power etc. If a vampire tried to drink from a Belmont I have a feeling it would be detrimental to the creature's health because of said magical properties. However my argument is made mute since we have CV 64 which clearly shows Reinhardt and Carry (Both Belmont descendants) being bitten and no ill-effects are directed towards the vampires themselves. And it is the only game in the entire series that shows this.

I have the personal theory that he drank Soleil's blood and that is the cause of him regaining his youthful appereance with enough recover time (Chronicles, OOE, POR) given than from.CV3 to BR he's old looking.

Soleyu says in the game that Dracula couldn't use his power so instead he used the powers of the four defeated castle spirits. I'd assume that he fed off Soleyu but it might or might not have done anything for him.
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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2014, 04:01:15 PM »
I've often wondered but assumed he could.  And it would be like catnip for him.  And Death would be like " need a minute?" 

Kinda off/on topic: I would love to see a game set in the older timeline where a Belmont went evil/became a vampire.  Willingly. Betrayed the family, maybe got other members of the family killed. No brainwashing or anything: they just said "screw this noise" and sided with Dracula. And another Belmont (brother/sister) had to pick up the slack/get revenge. 

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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2014, 07:43:03 PM »
First of all X, Carrie was not a belmont. Although, I do remember something about her being a relative of the belnades family. So, perhaps she is Sypha's great great…..niece.

As for Dracula (or any vampire drink the blood of a belmont), it could be beneficial or detrimental. Going back to a theory I mentioned on this forum several times, I've theorized that after the ritual that completed the vampire killer in LoI, Leon became part vampire (or at least gained some vampiric power). This is why they can use the vampire killer with no side effects and also why they are stronger than most other hunters. I also heard in CoD that after being stabbed by Issac and rescued by Julia, Trevor got up and left the next morning (something no human could do even in modern times). The fact that they wield holy power means nothing. I mean even Alucard could wield a cross and perform the grand cross crush in SotN.

That being said, if my theory is accurate, it would depend on what happens when a vampire drinks the blood of another vampire or someone with vampiric power.

(by the way, several people on this forum have stated in the past that I may be on to something with my theory.)
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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2014, 07:54:33 PM »
I've often wondered but assumed he could.  And it would be like catnip for him.  And Death would be like " need a minute?" 

Kinda off/on topic: I would love to see a game set in the older timeline where a Belmont went evil/became a vampire.  Willingly. Betrayed the family, maybe got other members of the family killed. No brainwashing or anything: they just said "screw this noise" and sided with Dracula. And another Belmont (brother/sister) had to pick up the slack/get revenge.
I always wanted a story that deals with the Belmont family(not just the sole heir). My proposal was two brothers, but a brother and sister could work as well. Tossing in drama, "tainting", jealousy and such into the mix and that could make a VERY interesting Castlevania story. To me, something like this is a no-brainer. It's why I thirst for a CV(one day, dammit) that focuses on families(the dynamic that comes with families, as well as heirachy), both Belmonts, Dracula's as well as others(Belnades, Danasty...). I mean, it IS the "Belmont FAMILY", yet we only see one per generation, nothing is ever written regarding brothers or sisters(though we know they should exist because the Morris branch is an extension of them) and always JUST focus on the sole protagonist, or even rarely a "father and son"(as in singular, like Christopher & Soleiyu, or Gabriel & Trevor and Trevor & Simon), not "sons"(or daughters). Even if it's written that those chosen to wield the VK must live a life of solitude(focused on fighting evil, thus must distance himself away from his siblings), show the emotional weight that comes with that.  There's so much potential that has yet to be mined regarding ideas that don't go into the "writing cliches" seen in the IGA games, and hell, even LoS.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 08:04:19 PM by DragonSlayr81 »

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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2014, 11:01:26 PM »
But Dracula Wraith is not Dracula himself, thus the question stands xD

But I think it does nothing to Dracula, really. It'd make him more powerful, just like any blood.

"Dracula Wraith" may not actually be the real deal Drac, but it's born from Dracula's remains, and is obviously vampiric in nature, so, if it can drink a Belmont's blood, I think it would be safe to assume that the full Drac, who is stronger, most certainly could as well.

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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2014, 11:05:58 PM »
As for Dracula (or any vampire drink the blood of a belmont), it could be beneficial or detrimental. Going back to a theory I mentioned on this forum several times, I've theorized that after the ritual that completed the vampire killer in LoI, Leon became part vampire (or at least gained some vampiric power). This is why they can use the vampire killer with no side effects and also why they are stronger than most other hunters.

As mentioned somewhere in this forum...
Here's Evidence 1. See the dark attribute.

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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2014, 11:36:36 PM »
First of all X, Carrie was not a belmont. Although, I do remember something about her being a relative of the belnades family. So, perhaps she is Sypha's great great…..niece.

I've never heard of this. The one that I have heard of was that Carry is a descendent of Sypha. It was mentioned in the manual. And since Sypha married Trevor and they had children, that would also make Carry a blood descendent of the Belmonts as well.


Going back to a theory I mentioned on this forum several times, I've theorized that after the ritual that completed the vampire killer in LoI, Leon became part vampire (or at least gained some vampiric power). This is why they can use the vampire killer with no side effects and also why they are stronger than most other hunters. I also heard in CoD that after being stabbed by Issac and rescued by Julia, Trevor got up and left the next morning (something no human could do even in modern times). The fact that they wield holy power means nothing. I mean even Alucard could wield a cross and perform the grand cross crush in SotN.

This sounds like what CV Legends had done only in a different light. A lot of people give the Alucard/Sonia coupling a lot flack for having Trevor as being 1/4 vampire. But you've also brought about a vampire/Belmont hybrid in your theory too. From the evidence you've mentioned Trevor survived a fatal wounding by Issac and was in tip-top shape the following day. It seems to me that no-matter how we explain it or dismiss some explanations, Trevor is undoubtedly 1/4 vampire. He isn't dependent on the 'need to feed' as other vampires nor would he have their abilities either. Just a really strong rapid healing factor and above average strength. Kinda like Wolverine when you think about it. So either by Alucard & Sonia, or by Leon's Alchemical Vampirekiller completion, Trevor seems to be vampiric on a very low level. Very interesting theory darkwzrd4  :)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 02:02:07 AM by X »
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Re: Can Dracula drink the blood of a Belmont?
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2014, 12:13:23 PM »
As mentioned somewhere in this forum...
Here's Evidence 1. See the dark attribute.
Well, that seems to prove my point.
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