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General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Main Series Castlevania
« Last post by Wecoc on January 20, 2025, 06:21:06 AM »
The 3D models on a "2D-ish" platform view is way more similar to Bloodstained than to the previous Castlevania platformers, that's what I meant when I was talking about its style. In any case that's my point, it's hard to group these franchises.

I don't think it being on mobile is the reason; Harmony of Despair was released on Xbox Live Arcade and it's sometimes considered a spin-off as well. I guess it's just about where you put the line.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Main Series Castlevania
« Last post by C Belmont on January 19, 2025, 09:21:05 PM »
In what way is GOS styled as a spinoff?
It has a prologue that establishes It takes place after the last chronological game, it has an art direction deliberately designed to make it look like a continuation of the previous games, Death and Dracula are the major antagonists and it makes frequent references to events in the main timeline sometimes even presenting explanations for some of the irregularities.

But because it was released on mobile with gacha mechanics that somehow disqualifies it?

I get that It's not the game that everyone wanted but had it been released on any other system than mobile I doubt there would be any question over whether it's a mainline game or not.
Fan Stuff / Re: Spritework Request & Showcase Thread
« Last post by Wecoc on January 19, 2025, 05:45:42 PM »
Here's some sprites I dabbled with.
I quite like what you've done here. They look more cohesive in general. Maybe Yoko and Charlotte are still a bit too bright compared to the others in the same set (compare, for example, Yoko with Jonathan), but it's hard to say... I'd suggest potentially reducing and unifying the palette.

I tried polishing some Saturn's sprites a bit, but I'm not great at animating, so I don't think this will go further than a simple "study".
If anyone wants to tackle these, please go ahead.

I've always found Saturn's sprites subpar compared to the rest of SotN's graphics, so I may try to do the same with a few more, since we have so many rips here...
Fan Stuff / Wecoc's free SotN pixel art collection
« Last post by Wecoc on January 19, 2025, 05:19:55 PM »
I'll be posting here some pixel art things I've made lately... There are some adaptations from other games into SotN's style, and things like that.
If you give me credit (Wecoc), you're free to use this in your hacks or wherever you want. You can also edit it however you choose.

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Hardcore Gaming 101 / Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Last post by Wecoc on January 19, 2025, 04:28:08 PM »
Quote from: zangetsu468
I’ve been getting back into Totk and started playing Turnip Boy does Tax Evasion.
Uh... Ok, that game is weirder than I thought.

I've been playing some Dark Souls 1, but that game is too easy so I decided to hack Diablo 2 and play as the town's cow instead. ;D

General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Main Series Castlevania
« Last post by Wecoc on January 19, 2025, 12:09:56 PM »
It's hard to group them, since it's not clear in the late games how canonical things really are, and whether you can consider them a shared universe or their own separate thing (see for example the Lord of Shadows series). As crisis said, Order of Ecclesia may be the closest bet, back in 2008.

Apart from that, after LOS2, everything has been spin-offs (mostly slot machines), collections, or cameos to other franchises: List of Castlevania media

Grimoire of Souls is mainly considered its own thing, since both in style and execution it's probably more close to a spin-off.
On the same note, some people consider Bloodstained in the same pack as a "spiritual successor" of the series; if you include that, I believe it's been almost five years since the last big release.

(Grimoire was also a gacha game until it was discontinued and rereleased without the monetization elements, so it's not a great look...)
Off Topic / [Introduction] Who is that? Oh my, it's Wecoc!
« Last post by Wecoc on January 19, 2025, 08:38:19 AM »
Hello, fellow vaniaheads! I'm Wecoc, and I make mods for Symphony of the Night. I'm also a pixel artist, although some of my art is... stupid.
That aside, I'll be sharing some of my stuff for anyone to use on their hacks, so stay tuned.

For example, I guess here are some mockups I made some time ago.
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I've done some collabs in the SOTN Randomizer as well, and I'm coauthor of the presets Beyond, Dog's Life, and Big Toss.
I've also built some challenges with LUA code, like weapon durability, floor is lava, "if you bonk you lose" and other silly (but fun) stuff like that ;D

So, with all that, I'm here to have fun, share some of my stuff, and help others in this hard climb that is game development and modding;
as Alucard may say... I'm interested in this.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Main Series Castlevania
« Last post by C Belmont on January 16, 2025, 05:22:35 PM »
Grimoire of souls was the last main series game. It just gets overlooked because it was released on mobile and is currently only available on Apple devices. It continues the story from the series main timeline.

LOS was a hard reboot I would hardly consider that a mainline game.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Main Series Castlevania
« Last post by crisis on January 16, 2025, 03:27:34 PM »
I may be wrong but i believe the last canonical entry was Order of Ecclesia, way back in 2008
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Main Series Castlevania
« Last post by DraculaFan1981 on January 16, 2025, 06:03:31 AM »
Yeah, it was Lords of Shadow 2 back in 2014.
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