Been playing the crap out of Streets of Rage 4 lately. Lots of fun so far! Been playing a lot with Blaze and Adam, especially. Adam is a beast in this one. Axel seems pretty slow, which is disappointing. Cherry is a pretty decent new character. I don't like Floyd that much, but that could be because I really prefer faster characters in beat-em-ups.
Going for the platinum trophy on this one. I just need to clear any stage on any difficulty without getting hit (and getting thrown by a Signal but landing on your feet apparently counts as "getting hit,"...dammit

), hit a co-op partner, and get a cumulative score of 500,000.
Playing Mania now. Although there are a lot of bosses who have hyper armor on certain attacks, the game seems easier than the previous ones. It's pretty forgiving with how it can allow you to regain your health from using specials by attacking and not getting hit (kind of like Bloodborne, but without the time window). It throws more enemies at you for sure, but you don't have any absurdly crazy fights, like taking on three Jets (who aren't in the game at all, thank god) and Zamza at the same time, or things like that.
I wasn't sure what to expect out of this game, but it's pretty awesome. Definitely a pleasant surprise with how this turned out.
(Also, the Hunter family really needs to stop sending kids out in the streets to fight.
