Some of what you're about to read probably does belong better in other threads individually, but I wanted to post this as one collective thread, admittedly more for my benefit than for yours.
I've been pouring over the E3 trailer for Lords of Shadow 2 all day, looking for things to find encouraging.
I found enough to satisfy me. Gabriel/Dracula's design (especially the face) is very striking, and far better designed than Gabriel himself had been in Lords 1. I especially like the beard.
The trailer also answers one of my little fantasy questions: "how would Dracula fight using the Vampire Killer?" Now it looks like I'll have an entire game to live that one out.
I'm glad to see Dracula Belmont teleporting about, like he did in the old boss fights, and the fact that his transformation into his smoke... dragon... thing seems to be blood powered is heartening to me. Also looks like the Brotherhood has been trying to duplicate the Aghartian designs for the Titans, so I'm obviously expecting them [the Brotherhood] to be major enemies.
It will be interesting to see a Castlevania story told from Dracula's perspective, although his expression before he fights the Brotherhood Army seems to be one I'd expect from the pre-Castlevania 3 Dracula as he found out his wife had been executed. A mixture of "why won't they just leave me alone?" and "If they won't leave me alone, I'll MAKE THEM."
And of course Alucard. Some folks on YouTube say he might be mixed with elements of Hector's character, but I honestly think Hector is minor enough in the old canon that MercurySteam won't bother with Curse's story. That said, they dug up Cornell for the last game, so maybe Al and Hector will be doing the old character amalgamation routine in this game.
I hope this game brings Lords from a Fantasy Epic artstyle and into a more fantastic gothic visual look. Like Symphony of the Night, Curse of Darkness, and Lament of Innocence, drenched in a bit more H.R Geiger-esque existential horror.
Also: I REALLY HOPE ROBERT CARLYLE DOES NOT VOICE DRACULA. I cannot stress that enough. Watching Dracula in the post-credits sequence of Lords 1 speaking with Carlyle's undeniably Scottish accent was simply embarrassing. Dracula in the trailer for Lords 2 strikes me as a man who speaks boldly, loudly, and confidently, with a deep voice. I'm picturing Vladimir Kulich in the role. If you played TESV: Skyrim, Kulich is the actor who played Ulfric Stormcloak. That kind of voice, with a bit more underlayered anguish, would be perfect for this version of Dracula in my book.
Also, an extra character mode or two wouldn't hurt, and an extra mode playing as Alucard or a Brotherhood Knight (another Belmont?) with a parallel story to Dracula's would downright improve it, so you could play the game with a more traditional "Hero vs Dracula" vibe as well as exploring the world from Dracula's perspective.
The trailer music is nice, and less LOTR than we got for Lords 1. Still not Castlevania, but hope lies in this direction, I think.
Add to this whole post the generic comments (less shimmying and more platforming, more Castlevania monsters, etc.) and I think that wraps up this post. Sorry for rambling. I do that sometimes.