This was something I started at another unrelated board once. Basically this is a thread dedicated to any remixes of Castlevania songs we as a fan base come across. There's a lot of hidden gems out there I would imagine that maybe everyone hasn't had a chance to listen to. The series is wildly popular in music circles it would seem, so there shouldn't be any shortage of posting material.
- Must be a remix of a Castlevania song*
- Try and get a streaming source for preview purposes
- Download link to full file is a plus
- Try and limit to 3-5 per post if possible, no need to rush it
* No genre limitations, post any remixes of Castlevania works. Special exceptions can be made for another song done in "Castlevania style" or a melody with other games but try and stick to Castlevania source material pieces.
I'll start with one I found fairly recently. It's probably my favorite rock remix of Bloody Tears. It isn't the standard fare "synth lead & e-guitar backing". I like it more than Bloody Hell. I really picks up great.
CV2, Bloody Tears guitar arranged, by monte