I recently decided to upgrade the connections some of my systems were using.
Mainly, the SNES and the N64.
As you guys may or may not know, the SNES, N64, and Gamecube share the same cable when it comes to Composite/S-Video.
The USA First-Generation SNES (the big boxy one) actually is able to output S-Video, which dramatically improves picture quality, which is very important when the video is going to an HDTV like mine.
...unless you're lucky enough to get your hands on an OFFICIAL Nintendo-Brand SNES/N64/GCN S-Video Cable, you're going to run into issues when using S-Video. See, a lot of these knockoff cables (especially most of those that have both Composite and S-Video on the same cable) are really cheap; the manufacturers, in order to save one wire, are routing the S-Video connection using the Composite Connection.
This means two things:
1. The so-called "S-Video" you're looking at when using these cables, is just a weird version of Composite.
2. Because the signal for Composite is going to both S-Video and Composite, now you've got this weird checkerboard/herringbone pattern going on in your screen when you use S-Video. Sure your colors are more vibrant and your lines are crisper, but you've got this weird 'dithering' effect going on EVERYWHERE. It's more noticeable on static screens, like on a puzzle game, but even on dynamic games, it's totally there.
I wouldn't be too upset if I didn't already have a pair of the shitty cables. I thought that these cables would be 'the good stuff', but it looks like they're not. And not every manufacturer skimps out. These are some chinese brand "KMD" (Kimono Dragon, apparently?) brand, and come in a nice box, but don't be fooled; the cables are routed wrong and provide a shitty S-video output.
So I opened up the cable and went online to find out what I gotta reroute in order to separate the signals.
I may rig up a separate RCA cable and Frankenstein it to this cable using the certain outputs it's got and some soldering magic.
Lesson learned though: If you're seeing your S-Video with a patterned effect, you likely have shitty S-Video cables.
PS- I'm aware that I can just emulate. But I wanna play my retroconsoles with good signal, dashitall, LOL.