Hey, if you remember something, get in touch with him or knows how I can contact him if he still active, please let me know.
IF IDK any of these its okay, thanks anyway dude

edit: I've made progress. Using this special Yabause
https://code.google.com/p/yabause-rr/They created it for tool assisted things, but now I can "frame advance", so I will never miss a frame again AND it have a built-in "tileviewer" (you see things in their respective form, but if they are marionette monsters like Olrox 2nd form they will show in separate parts) so now I have the best of the 2 worlds to work with.

Also I've found GGD here
http://spritedatabase.net/download with some other tools to rip things more easily, even withou a frame-by frame option.
edit2: finished ripping Maria's Bibuti (hand subweapon) explosion effect (yeah, this explodes after disappearing)
edit3: I've ripped this blue will' o wisp thing from Cursed Prison and all Maria effects, less these exclusive to the boss version (working on that).
edit4: finished ripping Maria's shield orbs, they've more frames than I thought. This finish Maria special effects rips for good.