I don't know how many people will identify themselves with this question, but simply talking: Would you play a fangame if it had a bad story?
Sometimes you can find the story too "fanfic" or just dislike it for some reason, but the gameplay is good or atleast bearable enough to hold you, I dunno.
I would appreciate if you explain with your words too why you choose that answer too.
I thought about that because: Imagine that you plan to make a game yourself, but you don't know if people will like your story even if you can program or do art? This could hold someone from making a game if the person lacks self confidence (even more you can't do anything and plan to learn lol). So hopefully this can encourage some people and at the same time be realistic.
There is a limit to how far you can go with the story? (I'm not talking about NSFW, sorry kids

edit:Forgot to say that you can skip the story if you want, in said game.
Discussion is very welcome.

Some examples (feel free to post new ones, food for thoughts):
-For some reason a Belmont shows sympathy for Dracula.
-Cultists try to use a Belmont as a sacrifice to revive Dracula soul inside his body.
-A vampire shows sympathy for a human and maybe even sacrifices himself for him.
-Cameos from another Konami games, being serious or as a joke, like a boss fight, unlockable mode or both.
-Crossovers with another franchises in some way.
-A Belmont becoming Dracula, as a body recipient maintaining its appearance or Dracula shaping its body to resemble him.
-A Belmont becomes corrupted by Dracula's relics and tries to take his place (might even suceed as a side-scenario)
(These examples are ideas that I had some years ago, some I've even shared here, some not)