It has been a very, very long time since my last entry, but I'm here to announce and release a surprise project that I have had virtually complete for a long time but hadn't released due to glitches when Windows 10 first released. Playing as Richter Belmont in 1792, the game features an alternate version of the adventure of Rondo of Blood or Dracula X. Not much story is present other than a brief introduction to the castle on the title screen. The game features a gameplay similar to and somewhat in between Rondo of Blood and Dracula X, with new, imported and reinvisioned enemies, items, and soundtrack from different Castlevania titles! The game features an easy to use single file save feature and hours of gameplay! Level design is based primarily on rearranged room configuration from SOTN. Eight Interesting stages, hidden upgrades, and boss fights are a bonus! Plus, once you beat the game, a secret "boss rush" mode is unlocked on your completed save file, classic of modern Castlevania titles!
This version is version 1.1.2. The game has been tested and currently no massive glitches are present to my knowledge. There are, however, a few minor glitches that I know of, but most are uncommon. In the event of an error message (primarily when an enemy drop spawns inside a wall) a few clicks on the ignore button will make the error message go away and the game should continue fine.
For a period of time, I will consider this game still in the public testing phase, so any glitches found can be reported to me and I may make an attempt to fix them. Some minor glitches have been intentionally overlooked as a means to make potential speedrunning of the game more interesting. Keep in mind that these intentionally overlooked glitches have no impact on casual play.
A link to the executable is below, and I will make posts with screenshots below this post. Feel free to share any of this content wherever you would like and please give it a play! Thanks!
*EDIT* (Sorry for necromancy, but its a game update, pls no ban!)

Here is a link to V 1.3, Enjoy and let me know what you think!