Symphony of the Night has had a time of it. After garnering a (honestly well deserved) reputation as one of the very best that Castlevania has to offer, the floodgates opened.
Symphony of the Night was everywhere it seemed. PS3, PSP/Vita, Xbox 360, DXC (moar PSP), that... Encore of the Night.... phone... thing, and of course unofficial moves to other systems like PC, Android, and Windows Phone via emulators (SHAME ON YOU PIRATE PEOPLE AND YOUR LAW-FLAUNTING WAYS I AM SO PROUD OF YOU FIGHT THE MAN/MEN/DARK LORDS AT KONAMI).
Rolling hacked DSes, Android Emulation, and Encore of the Night (for some reason) to the pile of "Small Screen", what do you usually play Symphony of the Night on?
Big screen (consoles and/or PC emulation) or small screen?