Hiya!I will also keep updating this first post as things advance... updated D06.M03.Y2024
Demo availiable here:
https://metzgermade.itch.io/simons-curseThe game tries to fix all of the problems that I could think of from the original Simon's Quest
along with additional features, bosses etc etc... And improved graphics made by me using the original style art as a base. It also makes the game more modern metroidvania like, adding things that you are used to form those games.
Whats ready?Well the full engine is done everything works as it should, items, physics, enemy ai, movement, etc.
Whats not ready?Prolly about 30% of locations and their graphics, less than half of the enemies and some minor things.
Story in short:You are Simon a vampire slayer. After the last battle with dracula you failed to vanquish him for good. Now his minions are gathering his remains in order to bring their master back to life. Festering wounds caused by dracula have cursed your blood making you weaker and when night comes you powers are further diminished. Can you find draculas remains and destroy dracula before the curse withers your life away?
More info about the game:- Old things generally hated that were removed or changed: Oaks stake and its function, dying in water in cities, obscure npc's, you don't lose all hearts/gold by dying, hearts and gold are separate,
no need for nintendo power anymore, no long waits during day/night cycles, text flows faster in text boxes, exp no longer locked to heart containers, etc stuff I forgot
- Full controller support
- Keyboard support and remap
- Slopes
- Options
- Jump through platforms
- Whip changing
- Armor changing
- More bosses
- More items
- Armors
- Map
- More enemies
- Changeable whips
- You can use items and attack while on stairs, you also wont fall if hit on the stairs
- Save locations in churches like in other metroidvanias
- 8-bit style graphics but with more color, early pc style
- New Visual effects
- Now with menu pausing
- Garlic is more useful now
- Music by Optomon
- Lots of things I don't remember
Things I might add if I have the time:- NG+
- More playable characters
- Beastiary
My first attempt at making a video of my game and turning it into a gif, it's buggy and has low fps but i hope you like it.

But hey here is some screenshots not too many so I wont spoil everything... Also those are test screenshots so I'm cheating.

Also if you have any questions suggestions or anything feel free to comment =)
Thanks for reading!