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Lords of Shadow 3 is odd in so many ways.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Why the 1999 game would’ve sucked
« Last post by zangetsu468 on August 12, 2024, 10:21:29 PM »
“Eclipse of Sorrow” would’ve been fine if it was a DS handheldVania.
Would the second playthrough have been as good as DoS Julius Mode? No.
Would the final boss battle have been as good as PoR? No.
Would the overall game and replayability have been as good as OOE? No.
Nonetheless, it would have been nice to have a third Sorrow title to complete a tripartite arc, akin to Chaos’ first form.

I’m personally fine with not having it become a 3D/ 2.5D game, as they would have butchered it like they did those which ensued(with the exception of DXC).
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Why the 1999 game would’ve sucked
« Last post by BLOOD MONKEY on August 12, 2024, 12:52:05 PM »
This feels the same as when people say there will never be a good Berserk adaptation. Castlevania has a bit of perfect-game syndrome, where there are so many phenomenal entries in the franchise that anything subpar isn't just subpar, it's trash. It affects how drastically people see the flaws in the games that are still otherwise amazing, notably HoD, CotM, and the ps2 games.

I personally think a 1999 game would've been and still could be rad. Within the current timeline of Castlevania, it's the only point in the story that an entirely fresh game could exist.

Wonder if we'll ever see anything from the Lords of Shadow timeline again.
I don't Like that Trevor forgot his whip. I don't know really anything about the Dead by Daylight series, but I do know that Trevor Belmont would never forgot his whip. I'm sure it will still be fun though.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Why the 1999 game would’ve sucked
« Last post by GuyStarwind on August 11, 2024, 10:59:46 PM »
I hate to say it, but there is truth to this. Each person would have a different view of what it should've been, and it would be hard to please everyone. Not to mention what style would it be in and such.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Why the 1999 game would’ve sucked
« Last post by Shiroi Koumori on August 10, 2024, 08:23:14 PM »
Still better than the whole LoS saga, ah!

Thanks for the hearty laugh! I wasn't expecting that when I started reading this thread.  ;D
Off Topic / Re: Introduction
« Last post by Shiroi Koumori on August 10, 2024, 08:18:59 PM »
Hello Jelli! Nice to meet you too.
You are free to showcase your sprites on the fan stuff area.
Fan Stuff / Re: Castlevania The Lecarde Chronicles May 2013
« Last post by Aceearly1993 on August 09, 2024, 06:41:48 PM »
Update to an IMPORTANT (community version) improvement: On keyboard mapping, player can now map action keys to SPACE where the vanilla game prevented usage of such key in favor for a SPACE hotkey. This is done to prevent confusions to players who're getting used to map jump to SPACE.
« Last post by Aceearly1993 on August 09, 2024, 06:40:50 PM »
Update to an IMPORTANT (community version) improvement: On keyboard mapping, player can now map action keys to SPACE where the vanilla game prevented usage of such key in favor for a SPACE hotkey. This is done to prevent confusions to players who're getting too used to map jump to SPACE.
General Castlevania Discussion / Dead by Daylight Castlevania official trailer
« Last post by Reinhart77 on August 07, 2024, 02:02:49 PM »
We got a new trailer for the Dead by Daylight Castlevania crossover - out this month.  Trevor's coming too - seems to have misplaced his whip though =o.

Dracula's attack at the end here was quite the thing.

It’s interesting to see Dracula and Trevor’s roles reversed in a way.  Dracula is the hunter this time, not leaving it to his lackey’s to get it done.  Trevor’s defenseless and just has to survive.  Seems a bit “wrong” in a way, but still fascinating to see.
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