Well, saying the next generation of consoles will be the last seems very silly at this point, especially since the next generation is only barely over the horizon at this point. And as someone in this topic said themselves, it's nice to sit down in front of the TV, and hook up your game systems and play. It's the only way that I really like it. Sure, I'll play games on PC from time to time, but I can really only do RPGs. Playing anything else with the keyboard is just too complicated for me, and it doesn't feel right. I guess you could say "Get a PC controller" but since there's no specific controller for the PC, like there is for each console, it won't quite feel right on a lot of games. Maybe I'm just old school though, I have an Xbox360 with plenty of games, but all I ever really play is the good ol' SNES and NES. If everyone else is fine with PC gaming, then that's their thing.
And as for mobile gaming. Pbbft. That's a laugh. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Good one! Oh..... you're.....serious? Eww.