This argument doesn't hold water because wouldn't the online verification of the game before it lets you play it take care of this? As an excuse for verification every 24 hours it just doesn't hold water. Even if this were some Bizzaro world were it did though, they should not be able to have this much control over how we use the media after we've bought it* anyway. Valve's steam has an online verification to, you have to log in like once a month. One of these companies realizes that outages can take a while to fix, other has not. But then again one of these companies is actually focused on games to. Microsoft doesn't seem to understand that a major reason many console gamers have stayed console gamers over the last gen has been for perceived (if not actual) convenience, and they're just taking that away.
*Or "bought the license to play it" if you prefer, we still bought the license and should have the right to transfer it whenever we wish to whoever we want. At least when it comes to physical media. You don't see car companies demanding cuts of profits from used car sales because they designed them.
Again, it's "pinch-penny greed". ESPECIALLY in this economy(when we haven't actually recovered to a point of modest to productive stability), why would anybody try such an anti-consumer practice such as this? It's like going to a homeless person and saying, "You want a bowl of hot water with a spoonful of chicken seasoning? All your money, your clothes, and we get to beat on you for a minute!". It REALLY is, in a sense, comical in a cartoony fashion. In cartoons and movies, they portray business types, huge corporate high rollers as these sleazy, cut-throat fat cats that are finding any and every possible way to squeeze every last penny from anybody they can, and do so in the most cruelest and inconsiderate means as possible. The whole, "I'd sell my own mom for a nickle" type of cartoonish "greedy bastards" that you kinda don't think CAN exist because, it's just a bloated stereotype. But, LOL, maybe(just maybe), the reason those characters exist is because, well, the are real people out there to inspire them. Sickening, no?
Odd thing about the always online bit. It requires you to check in online once every 24 hrs. What happens if you don't. Say I go on vacation(this is hypothetical, as I don't plan on getting this god forsaken Xblock). Does it automatically check in? Do you have to call a sibling, friend or neighbor and tell them to, once a day, log in for you? Is it really becoming like a fuckin PET? "Hey, don't forget to check on my parakeet once a day, and change the bird seed! Oh yeah, log into the internet with my Xbox One, and don't forget to change it's water bowl, because that thing gets THIRSTY!!!". The rumor(or word, as it's been said by a few sites) is that if you don't log in, the fuckin thing just doesn't work anymore. WTF? So, you skip one day, forget about it because you are preoccupied with, well, LIFE, and you are screwed. The Xbox One transforms into an expensive door stop.