So while commenting on Nagumo-chan's thread I started thinking about what the actual games and manuals tell us about the castlevania timeline prior to IGA taking the rains as series producer.
So I came up with my own interpretation based only on info from the original Japanese manuals and the in-game text. There are many details that even back then were being retconned on a regular basis. For example in 4 versions of CV1 the black mass ritual to resurrect Dracula is stated to take place in a ruined monastery, the Tower of Colbert, and at a ruined cathedral or not mentioned at all.
Anyway this is what I have so far:
AjDrac: [CV1 NES]
• Legend of Dracula states that once every 100 years Dracula is resurrected by evil men.
• The last time Dracula resurrected he was defeated by Christopher Belmont and laid to rest for 100 years.
• A group of pagans performing a black mass to resurrect Dracula on the day of Easter by pouring human blood on his remains.
• The black mass happens at an abandoned monastery outside the village.
• Simon, descendant of the Belmont Clan, sets out to Dracula's Castle armed with a whip possessing mysterious power that was passed down from his father.
• From the 1100s to the 1200s a group of Germanic immigrants build a new city in Europe after their ancient home is destroyed.
• In the latter half of the 900s a Germanic society in Transylvania is unable to defend their town.
• Legend of Christopher states that every 100 years Dracula is resurrected via a black mass conducted by evil men at a Carpathian tower where he was sealed away by Christopher.
• Christopher sealed Dracula 100 years prior.
• Simon, the descendant of Christopher, takes his father's "enchanted whip" to defeat Dracula at "the castle haunted by the evil spirits".
D2tAS: [CV2]
• Takes place 7 years after AjDrac.
• Dracula was defeated and laid to rest by Simon for 100 years.
• Simon was injured during the fight with Dracula and his body has been deteriorating ever since.
• Feeling death coming he visits the Belmont Family graveyard near Angel's Hill.
• A mysterious woman appears and explains the curse and how to seal it away by burning Dracula's remains.
• After explaining that this is the only way to seal Dracula forever she disappears into the mist.
• Simon must collect Dracula's 5 body parts and purify them in fire on a hidden altar in the ruins of his Castle.
DDen: [CVtA GB]
• No matter how many times Dracula returns he is always defeated by Simon Belmont. O_o
• Dracula has existed far longer than the first confrontation. (CV1?)
• Dracula was an evil sorcerer and demon worshiper who built a castle on the outskirts of Transylvania.
• As a sorcerer, Dracula performed evil rituals and summoned demons while seeking to gain "eternal life by becoming a demon king possessing evil powers".
• Dracula has been spreading fear and terror to the people of "the village".
• Christopher, an ancestor of the Belmont Family, goes to confront the now transformed Dracula.
AjDen: [CV3]
• Setting: 15th century Europe.
• Vlad Tepes lived on the outskirts of Transylvania in Wallachia and was no longer human.
• Vlad reached the pinnacle of his power and revived dark gods/evil deity who granted him power to terrorize the nation of Wallachia and planned to take over Europe.
• The church sent an army to stop Vlad, who called himself Dracula, but none returned.
• The pope called on Sypha Fernandez, Grant Dinesti, and Alucard to take on the task, but they were not heard from either.
• Sypha is an apprentice monk, seeking to become a priest, with magical powers over fire, lightning, and ice.
• Grant is a Wallachian rebel opposed to Dracula.
• Alucard is Dracula's own son turned into a vampire by his father.
• In desperation the Pope then decided to call on the Belmont Clan who had been known vampire hunters for many generations.
• The Belmonts were feared for their powers and had lived far away from common people who treated them no better than the vampires they hunted.
• But the Pope located a young man named Ralph C. Belmont.
• The battle between mankind and Dracula begins more than 100 years before Simon.
• Simplified version of the story with less detail, but without any contradictions.
• Instead of the blood ritual it only mentions a bolt of lightning.
DDen2: [CV2 GB]
• Dracula was not defeated by Christopher, but is unable to reform after turning into mist so he bides his time.
• 15 years later in a Transylvanian village Christopher's son, Soleiyu, has come of age and is given the title of vampire hunter.
• The next day Soleiyu disappears.
• That night 4 castle appear.
• Dracula had taken Soleiyu and using his waning powers put him under a curse in an attempt to use his power to fully restore his body.
• Christopher goes to rescue his son and put an end to Dracula.
• Rondo of Blood only has a basic story that states that this is a resurrection after 100 years.
• Manual states that Dracula is "800 (?)" years old.
AjDX68k: [CV1 X68000]
• Near identical to AjDrac, but cleaner and the black mass is now held in a ruined cathedral.
• It includes the bolt of lightning added to the SNES version.
• Dracula was put to rest finally in 1897 by Quincy Morris, thus tying CV to "Dracula, The Undead".
• The game is stated to take place in 1917.
• States that the game takes place multiple centuries after Simon.
AjDX2: [SotN]
• States that the end of AjDX takes place in 1792.
• Is stated to take place itself 4 years after Rondo.
Timeline of Events:
game year (A.D.) cycle? sealed? Notes
Dracula Origin ~992 - - Based on Dracula being 800 years old according to AjDX.
Old town destroyed 950 to 999 - - Stated to be in the latter half of 10th century.
New city founded 1100 to 1299 - - Stated as taking place between 12th and 13th centuries.
AjDen 1434 to 1456 - Y Based on Christopher's possible age of 15 to 35 years old when Soleiyu is born.*
DDen 1470 Y - Based on DDen2 taking place 15 years after DDen.
DDen2 1485 - Y Based on AjDrac taking place 100 years after Christopher sealing Dracula.
AjDrac 1585 Y - Based on D2tAS taking place 7 years after AjDrac.
D2tAS 1592 - Y Based on AjDXX stating that it takes place "hundreds of years" after Simon.
Since it says hundreds it must be at least 200 years since the last sealing.
???? 1692 Y Y AjDXX causes there to be an unaccounted for gap here.
AjDX 1792 Y Y Stated as such in AjDX2.
AjDX2 1796 - Y Stated to take place 4 years after AjDX.
Dracula, the Undead 1897 Y Y Stated as such in Bloodlines.
Bloodlines 1917 - Y Stated as such in Bloodlines.
*In the 15th century adulthood was considered to be at 14 years old and "old age" was considered to start at 50 years old.
I should note that the way I did this is I worked my way backwards and used the time of Dracula's defeat / sealing away as the point I reference for the 100 year cycle.
An interesting thing about how this timeline fell into place is that it makes it such that Trevor / Ralph is actually Christopher's father.
Let me know what you guys think and if you find any mistakes don't hesitate to bring them up.