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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1665 on: January 29, 2019, 10:48:08 AM »
Metal Gear solid: The Twin snakes. The last time I played this title was back in 2008. Despite many on the internet are saying otherwise I feel that MGS: TS is the definitive version. Better graphics, stable 3D environment, more music variety for areas and bosses, improved voice-acting, and a more fleshed-out story. It's too bad that this version never made it onto the MGS HD collection as I was so looking forward to that.
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1666 on: January 29, 2019, 07:05:07 PM »
I think Twin Snakes deserves its bad reputation. It's not a crummy remake but it's not as good as the original. One of the biggest downsides is its redone script, which doesn't flow as well as the original. (There's a good article about it here.) The music is too jammin' and doesn't have the ambient quality that makes the original so rich. The new cutscenes are fun, but they're too over-the-top even by MGS standards. First-person shooting totally breaks the original game design, especially the Ocelot fight. I feel like preference for the graphics is the most subjective matter; personally, I like the grittier look of the original, blocky textures and all.

There's a reason MGS4 uses screenshots from the PSX version during the flashbacks, because that's Kojima's original vision and clearly the one he prefers. Twin Snakes is a fascinating retelling of the story but it doesn't hold a candle to the original, IMO.

There's rumor that Bluepoint, the studio who remade Shadow of the Colossus, is working on a remake of MGS. I think that'll hold a lot more promise because it'll be more true to the original experience, judging by how closely SOTC resembles the original just with some optional control tweaks but with greatly enhanced graphics. My biggest worry is whether they'd use the PSX voice acting, Twin Snakes', or completely re-record everything. I hope they use the original dialogue and voice recordings, assuming it's been preserved in high quality. Otherwise, the thought of a third MGS translation is, uh, interesting. It wouldn't feel right if they didn't get the original cast back—again, for a third time.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1667 on: January 30, 2019, 09:31:52 AM »
MGS4 used the voice acting from Twin Snakes so I'll assume Bluepoint might use those. I had heard that the original voice acting wasn't recorded very well which is why in Twin Snakes it was redone. And that's the same reason why the originals weren't used in MGS4.
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1668 on: January 30, 2019, 01:44:46 PM »
Was kinda worried about that. I could see the original recordings either not existing or being in bad shape or low quality. It's just a shame they used a new script though, uuuggghhh.

At least the original cast is all there, even if Mei Ling lost her charming accent.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1669 on: January 30, 2019, 06:13:26 PM »
At least the original cast is all there

The credit goes to David Hayter for that one  8)

even if Mei Ling lost her charming accent.

You mean this accent? lol.
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1670 on: February 04, 2019, 12:38:08 PM »
Finally got a 2DS a couple months ago.
Consuming A Link Between Worlds right now.
Probably going to burn through the entire library of 3DS titles over the next year or so.

I'm especially looking forward to the remakes of Ocarina and Majora since I never beat those.
And Bravely Default as well.

Any recommendations?
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1671 on: February 04, 2019, 06:35:22 PM »
Nothing comes to mind for 2DS/3DS titles  :-\

I recently bought Darksiders 3. So far I'm enjoying what it is, but the studio could have spent a little more time polishing it as the game is a bit rough around the edges. The combat system reminds me of the PS3 Ninja Gaiden games where you need to be careful or the enemies will hand you your @$$. Others have mentioned a similarity to the souls series in terms of combat but more forgiving. Personally the game could use more armour pieces for you to utilise. There are other armous in the game but I've not found them and there's not a whole lot either. You'd think the forge you visit would be able to allow you to craft more and better gear, but no. It's just to improve relics for your weapon slots. At least the souls you collect up your stats a bit.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2019, 10:40:46 AM by X »
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1672 on: February 04, 2019, 07:25:44 PM »
Don't mean to kill your buzz, and maybe I'm just in the minority here, but I thought Majora's Mask 3D was terrible. A lot of the weirdness that made the original so great is really toned down and geared toward five-year-olds. It doesn't play much like the original and I think that's a really bad thing.

This guy did a pretty good video on what doesn't work in the remake and how things were changed to make the experience less enjoyable. Basically it boils down to the original being a pretty hardcore gaming experience both in gameplay and atmosphere, and the remake steamrolls over all that to make it more accessible.

I'll come back with some 3DS recommendations later because there's quite a number of really good games for it.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1673 on: February 05, 2019, 11:32:27 AM »
Wow. That doesn't sound like a good remake. I was personally waiting to hear about the damned 3 day time limit thingy. But no surprise there it was left alone. They could have added the option to play the game with or without the time limit which in my mind would have grabbed a lot more players then all the tampering mentioned in that video. I personally feel that what made the original more difficult for casual players was the fact that they were on the clock. There was no time to relax and take in the environment. Instead your put under pressure to get what you needed to done before time runs out. This is solely my beef with MM. But if they put in an option to remove the time limit I would have seriously considered giving this game a play-through.
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1674 on: February 07, 2019, 11:29:17 AM »
I made a tumblr post about Ada Wong dying.

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1675 on: February 07, 2019, 02:19:22 PM »
The time aspect of Majora's Mask is its strongest element. Removing that would completely break the game. Once you learn the song to slow down time, it's not a big issue.

Although that really long sidequest with the love letters can be a pain. I watched my brother fail it just feet away from finishing.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1676 on: February 08, 2019, 07:50:55 AM »
Civ 2: multiplayer gold edition (PC)
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology (3DS)
Bravely Default (3DS)

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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1677 on: February 08, 2019, 10:32:49 PM »
@Abnormal Freak:
I appreciate the info. More so than deter me from playing it, now I want to hack the flaws out of the game.

Yeah, I never got into it the first time around for the same reason. That time limit really turned me off.
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1678 on: February 22, 2019, 09:35:10 AM »
Giving the new Switch game Monsterboy and the cursed kingdom a shot. I'm liking it so far. And I like the stainedglass windows on the church, showing heroes from the previous games.
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Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Reply #1679 on: February 22, 2019, 06:14:59 PM »
I started playing FF9

And I wrote a fanfic about it.
