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It looks pretty fun, kinda like Harmony of Despair 2.0

But unfortunately there’s a lot of pessimists here that will say it’s a trash moneygrab, Castlevania is now officially dead blah blah blah
General Castlevania Discussion / Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania collaboration
« Last post by eryson on October 21, 2024, 07:48:46 AM »
That's it, the guys that developed the bullet heave game Vampire Survivors managed to make a official collaboration with Castlevania!
who would guess something that started as a fangame (even using castlevania sprites in the beginning) would reach this far, right? :3
Fan Stuff / Re: A Konami shared universe might be fun
« Last post by The Puritan on October 21, 2024, 05:59:08 AM »
I could see Snatcher or Policenauts being connected with Contra in some way. Maybe even Metal Gear.

I've read that Policenauts was gonna be the future of Metal Gear at one point, with Policenauts!Meryl being an older version of MG!Meryl, but the connections were removed later.

There are still lots of references though, so I suppose a Konamiverse could use the original intention of the two Meryls being one and the same. Just tweak things as needed to fit in with the larger shared world.

I can also see potential links between Nanobreaker and the Rising corner of Metal Gear since both involve cyborgs and nanotech. And further on tweaking, I'd be interested in the Getsu clan being reimagined as a Japanese analogue to the Belmonts, with Fuma active at the same time as Simon (instead of having his adventure in the far future of 14672 AD). Would be cool if his descendant showed up to support Julius in 1999. Or even have the Hakubas as a Getsu branch family.

Personally, I'd like a Castlevania/TMNT game.

Mmm, not so much for me since TMNT is a licensed property and the Konamiverse in my head only includes Konami-owned IPs.

You know what would really rock though? Don Marshall of Lethal Enforcers and Falcon from Silent Scope fighting crime together.
« Last post by RichterB on October 19, 2024, 10:42:48 AM »
Thank you for the transparency! Very much appreciated. Took some of the guessing out of my gaming plans. I'm still very excited for this game and am interested to see what the "big win" ends up being. While I know it perhaps might get pigeonholed as a "retro Metroidvania," your game has hit upon something that is different than other games right now and really compelling, even by the standards of its influences, and I hope it gets more exposure and finds a receptive audience.

I may have mentioned it before, but I've been through some rough things in recent years, including losing multiple family members, and the art, design, storytelling, and music of your work has been really encouraging and inspiring. And as you've seen, the delay gave me some time to do some fan art I've been thinking of doing. ( Really dig the Light Needles attack, and both CotW and LC2 have the awesome screaming to power up. I tried to figure out how to max Mateo's gear in one of the shots without him hurting himself. lol. Godspeed on the release! With a little extra polish, the quality of your work and vision will be undeniable!

PS: It's cool knowing an international project like this has someone creative from MN on it. While I've moved around, at this point, I've been there for about half my life.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Domino’s Pizza
« Last post by zangetsu468 on October 18, 2024, 10:56:15 PM »
Anyone else plan on getting? or will I be the only one lol

I picked up like 5 copies for research and grading purposes
Fan Stuff / Re: A Konami shared universe might be fun
« Last post by Kaneda on October 18, 2024, 12:57:57 PM »
I could see Snatcher or Policenauts being connected with Contra in some way. Maybe even Metal Gear.

Personally, I'd like a Castlevania/TMNT game.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: A Little Rant
« Last post by Belmontoya on October 14, 2024, 08:52:55 AM »
I think the Lecarde family deserves an official game.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: A Little Rant
« Last post by GuyStarwind on October 13, 2024, 09:21:46 PM »
A lot of good points have been made. Unfortunately, I'm still not in favor for the lack of Belmont power. I'm just a simple guy and just like Belmonts as my main focus.

It was mentioned to erase everything after SotN. I'd be all for it. *as I look around for extreme fans* heck erase SotN too (I like it but don't love it. I mostly don't care for Alucard). I like the idea that the Belmonts have always been around and there isn't a set time-frame all this happens in. There really is a lot to work with here. And that's not to say they can use characters and themes from the Iga games but yeah a new approach is needed.

Finally. I've been playing OoE, and I wish it was more Simon's Quest in terms of exportation or even Infernax. The world on OoE isn't one big world, it's a bunch of little areas pretending to be one big world. In games like Simon's Quest, you had to actually travel to point A to B to C and not just teleport to them.
200 usd for 3 emulated ds games and some plastic crapabilia is a crazy deal
« Last post by Aceearly1993 on October 09, 2024, 04:56:37 AM »

There's ultimately a softlock hidden very deep by getting a game over when the save slot is empty and doing an iron soul-like, no save playstyle on the slot, which keeps hidden for all these checks until Fixed recently. By modifying this, the game's save logic will be finally on par with IGAvania games.
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