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Hardcore Gaming 101 / Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Last post by JR on August 03, 2024, 12:43:06 AM »
Been playing Elden Ring with a strength build, dual wielding great hammers and bonking everything in sight, lol. Just beat Malenia without the use of spirit ashes, summons, or magic, and that was rough. Starting the dlc and I heard its final boss is even more frustrating than Malenia. Ugh. But so far I can't put this game down. I'm still in awe at the size of the world this time around. I've hit all the softcaps for vig, end, and str, so I'm putting more points into arc to make the bleed on my Great Stars more effective.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Why the 1999 game would’ve sucked
« Last post by Lumi Kløvstad on August 02, 2024, 04:29:57 PM »
A 1999 game would suffer from the Half-Life 3 problem: there is simply no game anyone could make that is as epic as the events imagined by fans since Aria of Sorrow came out. It would be an impossible proposition.

I maintain that Iga could make a legally-distinct-enough-from-Castlevania game that would incorporate the elements and basic story he'd have WANTED the 1999 game to have and then told people "if you want to know how MY Castlevania ends, it's basically this, give or take some sundry details" so that the new game could both stand on its own free of preexisting expectations and also retroactively SORT OF wrap things up as much as Iga would be ABLE to wrap things up from his current position at very-much-not-Konami.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Why the 1999 game would’ve sucked
« Last post by whipsmemory on August 02, 2024, 01:26:46 AM »
Castlevania fans had high expectations for this game since IGA hyped it up almost every chance he could get. It probably would’ve been 3D, and we know IGA wanted to make a good 3D game since his previous attempts have failed. It could’ve probably had a generic anime aesthetic like Konami was trying to push with the DS games. I just believe it would’ve been very lackluster and kind of a mess, but graphically better looking than Curse of Darkness since it likely would’ve been a PS3/360 game. The final battle with Dracula would’ve been just like all the others for “tradition’s sake,” and upon defeat ___ Hakuba would’ve slid in the last minute to seal the castle & roll credits, leaving fans saying “uhhmmm, that’s it?” But on the bright side, the soundtrack would’ve been amazing & the enemy designs would’ve looked great.

Still better than the whole LoS saga, ah!
Off Topic / Re: I'm a dad.
« Last post by JelliRolaBean on July 31, 2024, 09:56:05 AM »
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!
Congrats my man! You're a dad now! woohoo
Hardcore Gaming 101 / Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Last post by JelliRolaBean on July 31, 2024, 09:52:28 AM »
been playing a lot of gun games.

Battlefield, Call of Duty and... ahem CRINGE ALERT Fortnite
Also it doesn't follow konami sample carts of that period, which have their own konami label and an internal game code, sometimes a version and/or a date.

It smells like rotten fish to me, and I feel bad if it was really sold, since I remember the final price was really obscene.
This was sold in march 2023. Apparently it's a non-final SCV4 ROM but I remain skeptical since the game screenshots provided are suspiciously bad. One of them shows the level select feature which is accessible with gameshark codes in the final software, so it doesn't prove anything. Also, the board inside was not shown, which is a huge red spot of suspicion.

Anyway, if you know more, feel free to share here.

General Castlevania Discussion / Why the 1999 game would’ve sucked
« Last post by crisis on July 31, 2024, 07:16:52 AM »
Castlevania fans had high expectations for this game since IGA hyped it up almost every chance he could get. It probably would’ve been 3D, and we know IGA wanted to make a good 3D game since his previous attempts have failed. It could’ve probably had a generic anime aesthetic like Konami was trying to push with the DS games. I just believe it would’ve been very lackluster and kind of a mess, but graphically better looking than Curse of Darkness since it likely would’ve been a PS3/360 game. The final battle with Dracula would’ve been just like all the others for “tradition’s sake,” and upon defeat ___ Hakuba would’ve slid in the last minute to seal the castle & roll credits, leaving fans saying “uhhmmm, that’s it?” But on the bright side, the soundtrack would’ve been amazing & the enemy designs would’ve looked great.
Off Topic / Introduction
« Last post by JelliRolaBean on July 30, 2024, 09:09:09 PM »
Howdy Castlevania! My name's JelliRola
I make 8-Bit pixel art and I aspire to help make ROMHack. I'm super interested in making my own game one day and helping others along their spritework and game dev journeys. A part of that is producing the spritework and designs that help bring projects to life. If you need me for a project, feel free to hit me up.
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: "Turn Left"
« Last post by zangetsu468 on July 29, 2024, 06:49:09 AM »
The BE (Bad Endings) in my sig are the “What if’s” of the CVerse. The signature itself represents the timeline, with three distinct continuities, CV judgement sitting outside of these.

There’s no one choice that made everything so, there are rather some possibilities if we dig a little bit deeper, bearing in mind a lot of this is purely head canon(me not believing it goes against any of the lore):

• CV Legends, while existing in its own timeline, can be considered the first true deviation of the series. I won’t go into this too much, suffice to say it does involve a female heir to the Vampire Killer(despite all the others, ever, being male Belmonts) and Alucard awakening earlier than the main timeline.
• CVII Simon’s Quest, is chronologically the first alternate scenario in Iga’s timeline. If Simon took too long and either succumbed to his mortal wounds either after defeating each other / during the final battle, depending on how one interprets the endings.. This eventually leads into the events of Legacy of Darkness.
{Side note: CVII is a bit of an odd one, as Simon has to fight Dracula due to being “attacked with Dracula’s Fang”. Technically there should have been an option to find all the body parts, which would have resulted in Dracula’s demise and likely, no final battle}
• Rondo of Blood has various endings, based upon who Richter and Maria save the rough out the game. Failing to save Annette, results in the Belmont’s lineage being compromised and eventually, Reinhardt Schneider wielding the Vampire Killer.
• Legacy of Darkness/ CV 64: These have their own bad endings which can result in some headf***ery
• SOTN: Not so much a deviation, however, Galamoth is from the future.(Kid Dracula) There must be a timeline where Alucard defeats Dracula, but not Galamoth, either because he wasn’t there OR he chose not to challenge him. Galamoth’s defeat in the distant future of KD ensured , he travelled back to 1797 to intercept Alucard in the inverted castle(potentially when he’d be the most worn out or because he gained access via the underworld/ demon realm to do so). Alucard beating him technically breaks the cycle of the timeline, which possibly does not lead to KD occurring again. (Unless Galamoth’s birth in the distant future, guarantees his perpetual return.)

Other mentions not listed in the sig:

• Dawn of Sorrow: If Soma succumbs to becoming Dracula, Julius wields the VK once again in order to destroy him. Canonically, it makes sense that he can, as Soma is big D reincarnated and we know the Vampire Killer’s rage was no longer present after Aria of Sorrow. By DoS, Julius is substantially nerfed, which although was a gameplay mechanic, the lore fits both scenarios. 
• Curse of Darkness: One which doesn’t necessarily impact the tineline(s) we are aware of. We know that from Saint Germain’s intervention, Hector was originally Dracula’s vessel. Somehow out of SG merely appearing in the past and noting he’d already witnessed the final battle of 1999 or the ‘Demon Seal War’ of humanity vs Dracula, Hector chooses a different path by not succumbing to Dracula’s Curse(which is at this point, a residual and lasting one over the land of Wallachia/ Valacia). CoD being a side story/ gaiden means this should only impact Hector’s destiny.

See, Zelda did this much better with ALTTP and the “Hero is Defeated timeline”(which I’ve posted twice about in great detail). Although it p!she’s a lot of fans off, the original fallen timeline, essentially created the subsequent two additional ones, if one believes all three exist together and have all occurred in one multiverse. Essentially it goes that The Master Sword chose Link as it’s wielder due to recognising him via blood descendant and spiritual successor. However, as a child, Link couldn’t properly wield it and ended up defeated. This spawned a series of events whereby the timeline was corrected and the original timeline lived on, absent of a hero. The new timeline further fractured into two, with the Hero of Time only existing in one of the tree mentioned timelines
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