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John Morris and John Quincy Morris...
« on: June 27, 2012, 08:55:32 PM »
If Quincy died a bachelor in Dracula, but is John's father, how, when and by whom did John come about...? Feels like that couldve been thought out a bit more? I think it's cool how they integrated the Morrises into Castlevania, but he couldve been like, Quincy's brother or something, and it wouldve been more or less the same effect, after all, we dont know of Quincy's direct family, if he had any siblings or not.
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Re: John Morris and John Quincy Morris...
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2012, 09:53:28 PM »
I had a similar question: who raised John after Quincey died at the end of the novel? It leaves me stumped.

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Re: John Morris and John Quincy Morris...
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2012, 10:05:02 PM »
It's more a matter of when did he have the kid since he was a bachelor throughout the novel.

Maybe the got confused with the Harker's child, whom they named Quincy, if I recall..? I dont know.
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Re: John Morris and John Quincy Morris...
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2012, 12:30:29 AM »
I guess the easiest conclusion would be, in CV's version of the events of the novel, Quincey ISN'T a bachelor, and he brought both John and Eric along with him. Y'know, CV's spin on Stoker's novel(stress the word "spin"). It's not much different from them saying that Elizabeth Bartley was responsible for the start of WWI(when in reality, we know that wasn't the case).

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Re: John Morris and John Quincy Morris...
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2012, 01:01:32 AM »
Yes, I think we should all know by now that the novel doesn't accurately portray the events that happend in the CV universe at all. They just use the framework from the novel to tell their own story, so some details could be different. For example, the book takes place in 1892 (or perhaps 1893, I'm not sure)  but the event from the CV timeline takes place in 1897.     

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Re: John Morris and John Quincy Morris...
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2012, 09:50:23 AM »
In general the whole connection between CV and Stoker's novel felt a bit hasty as an inclusion of the Bartley, Tsuentez and WWI into the story. It worked for different plot (by CV standards), but ultimately feels like they thought "let's throw random stuff into Bloodlines plot". Strange mish-mash, though somehow it works, more or less.
CVB is interesting, but its story definitely should have been thought out more.

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Re: John Morris and John Quincy Morris...
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2012, 11:32:47 AM »
I'm interested in how Elizabeth Bartley can be Dracula's niece. What, Mathias turn his brother into a vampire too? Did he even HAVE a brother?

The connection to Dracula the novel is weird, but if you suspend disbelief and consider that a small detail like Quincey being a bachelor was different in the CV universe version of the story, then it works.

But the niece thing you just cant really rationalize.
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Re: John Morris and John Quincy Morris...
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2012, 03:42:42 PM »
I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again: this is the main reason I want Bloodlines to get a remake, but deep down I know the writer would probably screw it up in some fashion.

I do have a few theories on this though:
- The Dracula the group fought was a decoy or someone meant to harness power meant for the Castlevania Dracula to resurrect again.
- John, if we take what we already know from the Bloodlines timeline, is a two-year-old child. He'd probably be kidnapped by Death as bait or something, alongside Eric (who'd be five at that point).
- Bartley was brainwashed to believe she was Dracula's niece. After all, Stella and Loretta were brainwashed when turned into vampires in Portrait of Ruin, so I can't see why that wouldn't be the case here, and considering that Drolta Tzuentes was described in the Japanese version as having revived Bartley with the intention of reviving Dracula, it wouldn't surprise me if she was the one who did the brainwashing herself.

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Re: John Morris and John Quincy Morris...
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2012, 10:45:44 PM »
I'm interested in how Elizabeth Bartley can be Dracula's niece. What, Mathias turn his brother into a vampire too? Did he even HAVE a brother?
Or Mathias had a sister(who married a man with the surname of Bartley, and had Elizabeth as her daughter.

My little fanfic idea of what I think happened(taking LoI into consideration) was that, yes, Mathias had a sister who bore Elizabeth, and that Mathias was close to Elizabeth(before LoI and his Elisabetha's death), and Elizabeth loved her uncle dearly. Everytime he'd visit her, he'd spoil her with gifts. That maybe, by the time of LoI, she's a teenager. After LoI, years later, Mathias, now a vampire, vists his neice, who's now a beautiful woman, and seeks shelter in her castle. She, like Mathias, practices the dark arts(she hails from a bloodline of alchemists, afterall, and learned a few tricks from her mother). While Mathias is there, he turns her into a vampire(bestowing eternal life upon his favorite niece as his most precious gift to her). She revels in her new power, and starts her reign as Blood Countess.

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Re: John Morris and John Quincy Morris...
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2012, 12:09:26 PM »
I'm interested in how Elizabeth Bartley can be Dracula's niece. What, Mathias turn his brother into a vampire too? Did he even HAVE a brother?

Well Flame... In real life Elizabeth Bathory is a Romanian countess and as such is of royal decent. Vlad is too. I did some more investigating for you:

Erzsebet Bathory was born in 1560, and is notorious for her bloodthirsty behaviour. Vlad Tepes was her great-uncle; she was born about 100 years after Vlad the Impaler died.

So in real life the are related and it seems to fit in with bloodlines too. And yes Vlad did have a brother, two of them in fact. His older brother was buried alive or killed then buried while his younger brother was put of the Romanian throne by the Ottoman Turks. Vlad himself was sold into slavery and horribly abused.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 12:11:50 PM by X »
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Re: John Morris and John Quincy Morris...
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2012, 12:29:15 PM »
The novel clearly isn't canon. Whatever happened in the CV universe involving John Quincy can only ever be loosely based off of the original book.

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Re: John Morris and John Quincy Morris...
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2012, 02:43:47 PM »
Oh right, I keep forgetting Bloodlines was before IGA made Dracula an origin story, so he was still the traditional count with none.
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