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Offline buijon

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Looking for 8bit background builder, have all tiles
« on: November 17, 2011, 11:16:01 AM »
Hey guys, it's been a while, life as usual getting in the way. I've been working on a fan game on and off for years with my brother, and I'm trying to rekindle it once again. We have all the tile sets we need to build stage backgrounds for the 20 or so levels we want to have, and we are looking for someone skilled in tile building. I am the creative director, sprite ripper, and overall game designer, while my brother handles ALL the programming, so we are quite busy with other things, and really want to find help. Anyone interested?

I can't say much about the game other than the engine is mostly complete, most lesser enemies are programmed, and we are starting on the bosses' programming right now.

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Re: Looking for 8bit background builder, have all tiles
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2011, 01:02:35 PM »
What program are you using for the engine? I'm working on a generalized Game Maker engine, and I know some guys use Media Factory.

There's a guy on here who's done some really sweet TSA work in ReVamp, named Behest here on the forums. He may be willing to help if you ask him.
Your mom has had more floppies put in her than a Commodore 64!

Follow my lack of progress on my game at my blog:

Offline buijon

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Re: Looking for 8bit background builder, have all tiles
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2011, 12:48:33 PM »
We are using Game Maker 6

