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Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« on: November 20, 2011, 09:49:11 AM »
After nearly 2 nearly months, Konami's Facebook team has finally opened a casual dialogue with Operation: Akumajo on the official Castlevania Page.  Up until now, the only acknowledgement from Konami had been a couple isolated incidents of censorship.   Anyone interested in our activities should find these exchanges somewhat interesting --the 3rd conversation in particular highlights some recent quotes from David Cox, Operation: Akumajo's response, and Konami's counterpoint.  Engagement on any level is progress --hopefully these discussion continue to move in a productive direction.

Victor Hunterposted toCastlevania
This is a total longshot, but I'm just incredibly curious. Is there any chance that we'll see the N64 Castlevania games appear on Wii Virtual Console? Or any of the GB games on 3DS Virtual Console? I've been hankering for some 64 action and physical copies are brutally hard to come by. Thanks!
Like · · November 14 at 1:02am ·

    Ron Loposky and 3 others like this.
        Castlevania While we don't currently have any plans for the N64 Castlevania titles and the Virtual Console, it isn't outside the realm of possibility, either! And make sure to check out Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth on WiiWare, a fantastic re-imagining of the first GB game. Keep checking back with us on this page as we continue to provide the most current Castlevania news.
        November 14 at 5:01pm · Like
        Victor Hunter Thanks a ton for the response! I really appreciate it. I try to recommend ReBirth to everyone I can. It was a fantastic release that definitely deserves some love from more people. Guess I'll try to hunt down the N64 carts for the time being though. Thanks again and keep being awesome, Castlevania-Facebook-Representative-Dudes!
        November 14 at 5:31pm · Like
        Operation: Akumajo Although Rebirth is a decent Castlevania game in a retro sort of way, it falls painfully short of any ambition to reaching its full potential. If you consider what modern consoles can actually do, Rebirth highlights Konami's refusal to make a serious investment in the 2-D artform.
        November 15 at 9:33am · Like · 1
        Castlevania ‎Operation: Akumajo: Uh... ReBirth was a serious investment in the 2D artform, it included Castlevania ReBirth, Contra ReBirth and Gradius ReBirth. And they were all designed for the WiiWare, not full release. And have you tried Hard Corps Uprising? Amazing stuff. If you wanted another 2D Castlevania for current gen consoles you just have to say so, not jab at our attempts from 2 years ago.
        November 15 at 11:44am · Like · 1
        Operation: Akumajo
        Please don’t confuse honest criticism for disrespect. WiiWare is a venue for modest low-budget releases. It’s a cost-effective gateway for smaller independent developers to deliver their content to market. Larger companies also use WiiWare to dip their creative toes in the water without committing massive sums of money to a risky idea. Capcom’s Megaman 9 was such an experiment, and ultimately demonstrated that there was a market for low-cost products that tickle the nostalgia of mature gamers. The Rebirth games were clearly an attempt to capitalize on that market.

        Accepting Castlevania Rebirth in that context...

        The game was very short and took very few creative risks. The one caveat would be some very clever stage designs which are amongst the best of the classic-vania style. Although the aesthetics are somewhat fresh, most of the game has a very generic Castlevania feeling to it --and the remix heavy soundtrack doesn’t help Rebirth find a distinct identity from the rest of the series. Comparing it to peer games like SCV IV or Bloodlines, Rebirth feels somewhat half-hearted --much like Castlevania: Dracula X for the SNES.
        November 15 at 2:05pm · Like · 2
        Operation: Akumajo
        In terms of serious investment...

        Konami was one the right track with the Dracula X Chronicles. Not only does it appeal to the same crowd as Rebirth, but that game also demonstrates what can be achieved when Castlevania is taken seriously. The 2.5-D graphic presentation was gorgeous and refreshing --exactly the sort of treatment needed for Castlevania to compete in the modern market. Although there are a couple nitpicky details (like Rondo’s outdated play-control) the only real problem was that someone at Konami decided DXC wasn’t worthy of the full HD home console treatment.
        November 15 at 2:06pm · Like · 1
        Dengo Vlad Tepes
        dear konami you must get this game more seriously
        you have tried all kind of platforms on it

        co op game " CV HD"

        ...See More
        November 15 at 3:05pm · Like · 1
        Dengo Vlad Tepes sorry for my grammer but i came from saudi
        November 15 at 3:05pm · Like
        José Vázquez I already have DXC on the PSP and I loved it to death. I would so re-buy DXC if it came out on the PSN to be played on the PS3, rather than the PSP!
        November 15 at 3:55pm · Like
        Ron Loposky I'm still hopeful for a Castlevania 5 sidescroller with 3D elements in the same vein as Super Mario Wii, Donkey King Country Returns & Sonic Generations! Please Konami execs/Castlevania team, make it so!
        November 15 at 5:51pm · Unlike · 1

Andy Patschullposted toCastlevania
‎"If you wanted another 2D Castlevania for current gen consoles you just have to say so, not jab at our attempts from 2 years ago."
Found that as a response from Operation: Akumajo's post.
Like · · Thursday at 12:39am ·

        Operation: Akumajo No hard feelings. The Konami rep probably wasn’t familiar with our group objectives. Here is our mission statement to avoid any further confusion.
        Operation: Akumajo
        Welcome to Operation: Akumajo! We are an activist community dedicated to preser...See More
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        Thursday at 1:24am · Like ·
        Castlevania Out of context that does sound a little snarky, and we apologize. To that effect, however, we do stand by our decision to defend the ReBirth series.

        @Andy Patschull: Be careful not to post out of context in the future. Operation: Akumajo has a mission statement that we respect, but is not our own.
        Thursday at 5:06pm · Like
        Andy Patschull
        What I was trying to say as a point Castlevania, was that Castlevania games have always been hard. More recently it is not so because of the grinding you can do or a terrible pose to be an equally terrible game, God of War. I personally think that the move to make it like God of War was bad. But I also tried a suggestion, and that was to take away holding the players hand while fighting bosses, make the bosses hard and memorable again. And if you are trying to please the "casual" gamers, don't treat them like they are retarded.
        Thursday at 9:52pm · Like
        Andy Patschull And FYI, I wasn't trying to make that sound out of text, I am just bad at quoting things. But Operation: Akumajo was more pointing toward the fact of the Castlevania one didn't go too well for par for the Castlevania series.
        Thursday at 9:59pm · Like
        José Vázquez ReBirth is a series, and not just one game?!? Awesomity! Looking foeward to seeing the rest...
        Friday at 11:49am · Like
        Castlevania ‎José Vázquez: ReBirth is a series of different Konami games developed by M2, one for Contra, one for Gradius, and one for Castlevania. There may be more in the future, but we have no current plans for them at the time.
        Friday at 12:27pm · Like
        José Vázquez Oh, OK. Thanks.
        Friday at 12:34pm · Like

Operation: Akumajoposted toCastlevania
Lords of Shadow Producer, David Cox, had a very interesting conversation with an Akumajo fan on his Twitter account last week. Here it is...

Like · · Thursday at 9:47am ·

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        Operation: Akumajo
        November 11, 2011

        Stanislav Plakhov: Mr.Cox can I ask you a question? Why CLoS wasn't released in Japan as a part of Akumajo Dracula series. Just curious.

        David Cox: Because it's not part of the Akumajo Dracula series.

        Stanislav Plakhov: Simple. But isn't it a part of Castlevania series which is kind of... you know, the same thing (to me at least).

        David Cox: It's not the same thing. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow has nothing to do with Akumajo series. It's completely separate.” It's a whole new approach, a new brand that uses certain DNA from previous CV games from the series but it isn't part of it. its set in a separate universe. It's doesn't follow any other CV game. Make sense now?

        Stanislav Plakhov: All right. Thanks. I know all that. Not new to the series. Playing it since the very first game. Thanks for answering anyway.

        Cox has given the “separate universe” line dozens of times to questions like these, but in this particular case he’s also making a very clear distinction between the Akumajo and Castlevania brands. The fact is that Akumajo Dracula was rebranded as Castlevania during the localization of the original NES game, and we’ve all been playing Akumajo Dracula games under the Castlevania name for 25 years.

        Although we agree that Lords of Shadow is not an Akumajo game, we find it highly disingenuous and misleading to say that it *is* a Castlevania game. This clearly preys on the ignorance of casual fans that expect the Akumajo experience from the Castlevania games they purchase. It’s also interesting to note that Konami marketed Lords of Shadow as a reboot --not a separate universe. Cox makes no mention of the reboot here. He appears to believe in a multiversal approach to Castlevania --and we couldn’t agree more. Its time for Konami to step forward and explain their intentions on this issue.
        Thursday at 9:49am · Like · 1
        Dario Daki C Whoah... what an aggressive person he is - that Cox guy. I feel pitty for Plakhov, as it seems like he was attacked when asked about it.
        Thursday at 10:40am · Like
        José Vázquez I don't see it as an attack, even though I am an LOS fan I will not kiss Cox's ass nor will I defend him if he acts with douchebaggery. I'm glad that Cox appears to believe in a Castlevania multiverse, one with LOS Universe and a separate IGAverse. Though it is a shame that he is causing that confusion with Akumajo and Castlevania.
        Thursday at 4:06pm · Like · 1
        ‎Operation: Akumajo: Sir, you wound us! LoS has been marketed as a re-imagining, which is consistent with Dave Cox's comments on how it does or doesn't relate to previous titles. ( Castlevania is a series that has had many people heading the franchise over the years and the history and future are at the whim of those in charge of the project. Before IGA's involvement in SotN, many others had contributed to the series as well. Do we discount Bloodlines because it is known as Vampire Killer in Japan and not as Akumajo Dracula? How about Akumajo Densetsu (Castlevania III)?

        We're rambling, but let's stay focused here. According to David Cox, the game does not relate back to the previously established history of the Akumajo series, but we on the Social Media Team think the themes, weapons, and art do invoke the 'feel' of Castlevania. LoS is its own story, but we think you'll agree the gameplay is pure Castlevania.
        Thursday at 6:02pm · Like
        Dario Daki C I prefer IGAs Castlevanias, Michiru Yamane's music, and the artwork of Ayami Kojima. :)
        Thursday at 6:12pm · Like · 2
        Andy Patschull ‎Castlevania, LoS did not feel like a Castlevania nor did it seem like a Castlevania in any way. :/ It felt like a crappy version of God of War. And I already find that game extremely crappy.
        Thursday at 10:20pm · Like
        Ron Loposky I thought LoS was a very solid attempt at bringing the classicvania (not metroidvania) feel to the 3D arena! I've been playing the series since the original in '87, and I think MS did a great job creating a 3D classicvania platformer adventure that has linear stages (like the originals), complete with little map animations in between levels! I'm looking forward to the sequel.
        Thursday at 11:09pm · Like
        Ron Loposky I think there is room enough for 3D & 2D entries in the series with multiple universes. I'm just hoping Konami gets on board with the idea of returning some entries (not all) to a numbered order. We have Sonic 4, Contra 4, Mega Man 9 & 10, Mario Kart 7. Where's Castlevania 5, is that so much to ask for? More Simon Belmont!
        Thursday at 11:16pm · Like
        Operation: Akumajo
        ‎@ Castlevania

        Although we agree that Lords of Shadow has clearly taken inspiration from Akumajo Dracula, we believe there are enough differences to question the legitimacy of its claim to the Castlevania brand. The game is bold and divisive to say the least. The one thing our members agree on is that Lords of Shadow violates Akumajo Dracula’s core mythology --and cannot be accepted as an appropriate reboot or replacement for the existing continuity. The best thing Konami can possibly do at this point is to commit to a multiversal approach for Castlevania. Announcing the Demon Castle War would set this fanbase on fire!
        Friday at 12:45am · Like
        Ron Loposky
        I believe Konami is creating a CV multiverse for us fans. I doubt that the original canon has been retconned & I'm still hopeful for the book end of the Demon Castle storyline. I'm okay with the direction LoS has taken. A new separate storyline with re-imagined characters with familiar names is a good way to bring in new fans. My perfect scenario would be 3 versions of the franchise to exist at the same time with games being released in all 3 categories:

        1. New School 3D games in the vein of LoS. Most likely LoS storyline & it's sequels. Perfect for new-comers and younger, next-gen gamers. Personally, I'm very much looking forward to LoS's sequel. I thought LoS was near perfection! Visually it's a 10!

        2. Metroidvania 2D games that are open exploration and that focus on modern times and the latter of Iga's canon, Demon Castle Wars, etc. They would be known as the "blank" of "blank" games (name examples: Rondo of Blood, Symphony of the Night, Aria of Sorrow, Harmony of Despair, etc.) They could be 2D with 3D elements (example: Super Mario Wii, Sonic Generations, Donkey Kong Country Returns). I imagine this is what most of the hard core CV fans want.

        3. Classicvania 2D games that would be linear platformers that are in stages & would play like Castlevania 1, 3 & 4. They could focus on the early part of the series canon, Trevor, Simon, Christopher and all the years before or in between. This would be a perfect way to introduce new Belmonts we've never heard of. These games would be numbered, starting where they left off with Castlevania 5. They could be short 8 or 16-bit DLCs similar to CV Adventure ReBirth & Mega Man 9 & 10. Honestly, being a classic gamer, this is what I'd be most interested in.
        Friday at 10:07am · Like
        Castlevania ‎Operation: Akumajo: We're just trying to point out that one doesn't have to erase the other. Burton's Batman and Nolan's Batman can both exist with erasing the other, we think it shouldn't be any different with Castlevania. It may look different depending on who is working on it at the time, but each is to be judged separately.
        Friday at 11:29am · Like
        José Vázquez Castlevania: You forgot Schumacher's Batman. :P
        Friday at 11:37am · Like
        José Vázquez
        However, in all seriousness, I do agree with Ron Loposky above. I still want to see, not just the '99 game, but also the sequel to SOTN which is also the prequel to OOE, which explains how and why Richter became known as the Last Belmont for a period of time and how/why did the Morris clan wound up with the Vampire Killer as well as the beginning of the Lecarde clan (this one would probably be a OOE sequel/Bloodlines prequel) and how did Drac end up encased in that coffin thing in OOE.
        Friday at 11:41am · Like · 1
        José Vázquez ALL THAT AND the continuation of the Gabriel story.
        Friday at 11:42am · Like · 1
        Ron Loposky Castlevania, can we at least expect some news on the series soon? Keyword being "soon". A simple "yes" or "no" would be sufficient. Not looking for any specifics, just something for the fans to look forward to. I realize the last few comments I've made have been either over-looked or ignored. Thanks in advance.
        Friday at 11:45am · Like
        Castlevania ‎Ron Loposky: Unfortunately a 'yes' or 'no' at this point is anything but simple. When we are ready to announce something, it will be prominently displayed here.

        We understand this isn't the answer you are looking for, but Konami policy is not to comment on speculation or rumor. And even if we are unable to respond to your previous comments does not mean it is ignored, we are constantly vigilant. :)
        Friday at 12:25pm · Like
        Operation: Akumajo
        ‎@ Castlevania

        Just to build upon your earlier point... There was a time when some Castlevania fans were up in arms about Igarashi throwing Legends, CotM, and the N64 games out of the official continuity. At the time he said, those games just didn’t fit his vision for the Castlevania universe, so they were dismissed as mere “side stories”. It’s not like Konami sent reps door to door to confiscate those games --they can still be played and enjoyed to this very day. Victor Hunter raised an interesting question the other day, about Konami’s willingness to eventually release the N64 games on virtual console, but that’s really a separate discussion....

        The key difference with Lords of Shadow, is that half a dozen games had already whet our appetite and built massive expectations for the 1999 Demon Castle War. We believe it was irresponsible to reboot Castlevania, until the original continuity had been given proper closure. Konami’s commitment to support both universes simultaneously is the only reasonable way to address the gap that’s been created. If indeed your team has any information on Castlevania’s immediate future, it appears to be held by some sort of non-disclosure agreement. Fair enough. We can wait awhile.
        Friday at 12:56pm · Like · 1
        Ron Loposky Thanks again & always appreciate a reply. Here's hoping for an announcement sooner than later! :)
        Friday at 1:05pm · Like
        Christopher Hughes ‎:O. Intense! Offcial CV having a discussion with Operation; Akumajo!!!! Forget 1999 DCW, this is what i've been waiting for :). Nice work guys!!!!!!
        Friday at 6:10pm · Like
        Christopher Hughes Plakhov is gangsta! he struck a chord.
        Friday at 6:14pm · Like

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2011, 10:16:48 AM »
I would love to see a 1999 game and a Draculas Curse remake in full 2.5d awesomeness on the Vita or 3DS. Of course I would prefer the PS3/360 but I don't think Konami would go for it. They haven't done a full blown Castlevania on a home console since SOTN. A 3D castlevania could work on home consoles as long as it sticks to the original timeline and gets a bigger budget, in fact I would like to see one. My main concern is that the only big budget Castlevania titles we are going to see from here on out are going to be tied to the Lords of Shadow storyline which IMO kind of takes a massive dump on all the Castlevania (Akumajo Dracula) lore up until now.

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2011, 12:45:14 PM »
Up until now, the only acknowledgement from Konami had been a couple isolated incidents of censorship.  Engagement on any level is progress --hopefully these discussion continue to move in a productive direction.

You make it sound like you're negotiating with North Korea.

It's really interesting to watch the beginnings of a restraining order.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 01:00:48 PM by beingthehero »

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2011, 02:05:20 PM »
Interesting, so LoS is the westernized Akumajou Dracula? sounds good to me.

Everything comes full circle

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2011, 02:16:08 PM »
I see you're still not handling this with much civility.

This childish pouting, unwarranted self importance, misguided sense of entitlement, and continually treating Konami like the enemy, is why you guys are struggling to get off the ground. It certainly is keeping myself, and others, from showing hands of support.

I don't want to be associated with a group like this. It's honestly embarrassing to the whole community.

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2011, 02:38:18 PM »
^ What those two said.

you should take notes from 100,000 strong. They dont treat Capcom like the enemy. Thay conduct themselves civilly, and professionally. You guys however, sound extremely self important. You simply demand things with no good reason, just because you dont like LoS. that is the only underlying concept behind O.A.  "We don't like LoS." the problem with that though, is that you dont actually act on that. you act on OTHER demands, with that "We dont like LOS" mentality behind them. You demand big budget releases instead of games likeRebirth, without even looking at facts behind them, (Castlevania rebirth only being part of a series of "rebirth" remake games, not some halfassed attempt at a classic game)

100,000 strong is simply about reviving a cancelled game that had massive fan support and which CAPCOm cancelled without fulfilling their promise of an interest gauging prototype.

You guys should humble yourselves and just concentrate on a single goal. And that goal should be a Castlevania 25'th anniversary game.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 02:45:02 PM by Flame »
Laura and Gabriel arrive in the deepest cave of the castle and... they find IGA.

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2011, 02:53:33 PM »
You make it sound like you're negotiating with North Korea.

^ - This made me LOL irl.

But seriously, it's superb to see the operation start to tug on the ears and eyes a bit at Konami.  That honestly makes me smile, as it seems they are no longer ignoring the pleas of the fans and are in fact listening (perhaps.) as I for one, enjoy all aspects of the franchise (either 2D/3D) it just pains me to know they actually had ignored the 25th anniversary of such a beloved classic when they had in fact promised the fan base something. I for one, will stand by with supporting of the project (I.e group) because I too  have a desire to see Julius and the Demon Castle War.

^ What those two said.

you should take notes from 100,000 strong. They dont treat Capcom like the enemy. Thay conduct themselves civilly, and professionally. You guys however, sound extremely self important. You simply demand things with no good reason, just because you dont like LoS. that is the only underlying concept behind O.A.  "We don't like LoS." the problem with that though, is that you dont actually act on that. you act on OTHER demands, with that "We dont like LOS" mentality behind them. You demand big budget releases instead of games likeRebirth, without even looking at facts behind them, (Castlevania rebirth only being part of a series of "rebirth" remake games, not some halfassed attempt at a classic game)

100,000 strong is simply about reviving a cancelled game that had massive fan support and which CAPCOm cancelled without fulfilling their promise of an interest gauging prototype.

You guys should humble yourselves and just concentrate on a single goal. And that goal should be a Castlevania 25'th anniversary game.

Capcom has always listened to their fans, just like Nintendo has. He honestly isn't demanding anything and it isn't the core fact of enjoying LoS or not. The reason why a lot of us are ticked off is because of the fact of what David has said, he's all talk and no show in promises. Konami states is a "reboot", as David has stated nothing of a "reboot", he probably needs to get his ego in check and is continuing to be all talk, as he did when he made his altercation to hype up (or piss off) new and old fans alike.  There is no direct attack honestly in what I see, its just intellectual conversation from a business perspective to reserve the "2D" aspect of the franchise we all grew up on.

It's not like the dude/group is holding Gabriel hostage for a ransom for $1bill *Dr. Evil pose* or threatens to use Outer Heaven against them. -_-;

« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 03:01:52 PM by jestercolony »

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2011, 03:49:38 PM »
I sent you a PM, Cecil. It basically can be summed up like this "tldr: Let's get our shit together."

Cuz seriously? I think OA's doing it wrong.
You are being far too demanding. I'm not even online half the time, but my brother is checking the page quite often.

I can't believe you actually attacked DXC for being on the PSP. That was one of the selling points about it. I mean, come on. It had SotN on the go. It brought us Rondo. To be honest, I would not have enjoyed it as much if it were on console. Plus, the game itself feels to short to be a full console title.
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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2011, 04:28:09 PM »
PSP is the reason we dont have other games like DXC.

The PSP never caught on as well as in the US in Japan, at least not as fast. DXC came out 2007. Maverick Hunter X Came out in 06. The PSP was not as widespread in japan as in the US back then. They both suffered a lack of Japanese sales, and thus had no "sequels". If they had been PS2, they might have sold better.
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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2011, 04:57:59 PM »
I agree with Claimh. But i seriously think OA also is too demanding. When you approach it like that,they are more than likely less inclined to answer your requests. Perhaps approaching it by asking would be better. I'm sure if they like what you have to say they will answer you. On a professional level it is good they got back to your and they show they have a very professional manner in which i, as a fan, would expect from such a great company as konami. However, not all request for games can be answered by a company that is going in a direction in which they feel is best, when you or others may be asking for something that may not be appealing to what will work with the general audience. It seems aswell to have patience with requests too. IT may not be that they aren't listening to what your saying. It's that it may not have the popularity or may not be popular now(maybe down the road) than something they feel they want to make now. Don't forget as awesome as games may be, there is a business side to it too. They are gonna wanna make a game that is profitalbe aswell as fun for the fan base. Not that i'm requesting it but i've seen the emergence of the castlevania arcade game, and could see the wiimote or ps3 move used as a whip like the arcaed version. Don't know if they're going in that direction but at the moment it seems doable and could make them money aswell. Well i'll say just be patient with requests, like i said you never know if they're going to hear your request and make good on it. Just suggests at this point,no need for demands.

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2011, 06:01:56 AM »
David Cox: It's not the same thing. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow has nothing to do with Akumajo series. It's completely separate.” It's a whole new approach, a new brand that uses certain DNA from previous CV games from the series but it isn't part of it. its set in a separate universe. It's doesn't follow any other CV game. Make sense now?

No, Cox. It really doesn't make sense. Because that means it shouldn't even use the name Castlevania.

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2011, 06:30:32 AM »
Cox pretty much confirmed LoS is Castlevania but in name only lmao

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2011, 07:21:12 AM »
You make it sound like you're negotiating with North Korea.

It's really interesting to watch the beginnings of a restraining order.

I see you're still not handling this with much civility.

This childish pouting, unwarranted self importance, misguided sense of entitlement, and continually treating Konami like the enemy, is why you guys are struggling to get off the ground. It certainly is keeping myself, and others, from showing hands of support.

I don't want to be associated with a group like this. It's honestly embarrassing to the whole community.

^ What those two said.

you should take notes from 100,000 strong. They dont treat Capcom like the enemy. Thay conduct themselves civilly, and professionally. You guys however, sound extremely self important. You simply demand things with no good reason, just because you dont like LoS. that is the only underlying concept behind O.A.  "We don't like LoS." the problem with that though, is that you dont actually act on that. you act on OTHER demands, with that "We dont like LOS" mentality behind them. You demand big budget releases instead of games likeRebirth, without even looking at facts behind them, (Castlevania rebirth only being part of a series of "rebirth" remake games, not some halfassed attempt at a classic game)

100,000 strong is simply about reviving a cancelled game that had massive fan support and which CAPCOm cancelled without fulfilling their promise of an interest gauging prototype.

You guys should humble yourselves and just concentrate on a single goal. And that goal should be a Castlevania 25'th anniversary game.

Since when is it childish, unprofessional or uncivilized to criticize a company's products or policies?  Can anyone cite any examples of wontonly arrogant, rude, or abusive behavior toward Konami or its employees?  Can anyone cite a position taken by Operation: Akumajo, that couldn't be supported by a well-reasoned, rational argument --if not the facts?  I understand our objectives don't appeal to everyone --but can anyone cite any demands in our mission statement that the fanbase DOESN'T actually want?

I understand the comparisons to the tone of other fan-based operations, but there are plenty of apples and oranges to go around.  Operation Rainfall lobbies for the localization of 3 existing games.  100,000 Strong lobbies for the remake of a cancelled Megaman game.  And Operation Moonfall came together *after* the Zelda series producer, Eiji Aonuma, challenged the fanbase to show their support for Majora’s Mask (he’s actually interested in remaking the game).  All 3 of these operations came together in different ways for different reasons, but they had one very important thing in common *publicity for their causes* courtesy of mainstream media outlets like IGN.

Operation: Akumajo was founded right here on the CVD Forums after numerous polls revealed outrage within the fanbase over Konami’s treatment of Castlevania.  Yes the LoS reboot was an issue, but there were also many quality related grievances as well --and it was Konami’s failure to celebrate the Anniversary that really set all of this off.  Unlike Zelda's 25th, Megaman Legends 3, or the Operation Rainfall games --Castlevania’s 25th Anniversary never got any serious coverage from the mainstream gaming press, and neither did we.  Therefore, we built our community by ourselves, from the ground up, with buzz, outreach, and viral campaigning.

While both Nintendo and Capcom have engaged these other operations --they have done so under the glare of a media spotlight. Konami was never under that kind of pressure.  Until Castlevania is back in the news, the only tool we have in our belt is our activism. Telling the truth about Konami and the state of Castlevania is the difference between survival and total irrelevance.

And one last thing about our numbers...  Let's face it --Castlevania has a very, very small fanbase compared to something like Zelda or Megaman.  Even if we enjoyed all of the advantages of mainstream publicity, we would still be a smaller operation for that very reason.  The fact is that only the hardest, hardcore Castlevania fans even know about us.  Mainstream fans are playing other games right now --they won't be reachable until Castlevania is actually back in the news.

If you want to criticize our growth, methods, or mission statement --and compare what we're doing to all of these other fan operations, that's just fine.  But please have the courtesy to look at ALL of the facts and cite specific concerns that we can actually discuss.

I sent you a PM, Cecil. It basically can be summed up like this "tldr: Let's get our shit together."

Cuz seriously? I think OA's doing it wrong.
You are being far too demanding. I'm not even online half the time, but my brother is checking the page quite often.

I can't believe you actually attacked DXC for being on the PSP. That was one of the selling points about it. I mean, come on. It had SotN on the go. It brought us Rondo. To be honest, I would not have enjoyed it as much if it were on console. Plus, the game itself feels to short to be a full console title.

Ah.  I know what you're talking about.  Konami recently censored part of a comment that was posted on the Castlevania Page, so I reposted just that particular snippet on our Facebook Page.  Unfortunately, the quote is a bit misleading out of context and it's confusing people.  For the benefit of general discussion I'll repost the entire comment in full right here.

Operation: Akumajo to Castlevania

Please don’t confuse honest criticism for disrespect. WiiWare is a venue for modest low-budget releases. It’s a cost-effective gateway for smaller independent developers to deliver their content to market. Larger companies also use WiiWare to dip their creative toes in the water without committing massive sums of money to a risky idea. Capcom’s Megaman 9 was such an experiment, and ultimately demonstrated that there was a market for low-cost products that tickle the nostalgia of mature gamers. The Rebirth games were clearly an attempt to capitalize on that market.

Accepting Castlevania Rebirth in that context...

The game was very short and took very few creative risks. The one caveat would be some very clever stage designs which are amongst the best of the classic-vania style. Although the aesthetics are somewhat fresh, most of the game has a very generic Castlevania feeling to it --and the remix heavy soundtrack doesn’t help Rebirth find a distinct identity from the rest of the series. Comparing it to peer games like SCV IV or Bloodlines, Rebirth feels somewhat half-hearted --much like Castlevania: Dracula X for the SNES.

In terms of serious investment...

Konami was one the right track with the Dracula X Chronicles. Not only does it appeal to the same crowd as Rebirth, but that game also demonstrates what can be achieved when Castlevania is taken seriously. The 2.5-D graphic presentation was gorgeous and refreshing --exactly the sort of treatment needed for Castlevania to compete in the modern market. Although there are a couple nitpicky details (like Rondo’s outdated play-control) the only real problem was that someone at Konami decided DXC wasn’t worthy of the full HD home console treatment. Putting DXC on the PSP was easily one of the worst Castlevania decisions that Konami has ever made. Did they really expect the fanbase to drop their DSs and shell a couple hundred more dollars for Sony’s competing system? Oh well --that’s another discussion altogether...

Also Claimh, a response to your personal message is forthcoming --I appreciate your patience.

PSP is the reason we dont have other games like DXC.

The PSP never caught on as well as in the US in Japan, at least not as fast. DXC came out 2007. Maverick Hunter X Came out in 06. The PSP was not as widespread in japan as in the US back then. They both suffered a lack of Japanese sales, and thus had no "sequels". If they had been PS2, they might have sold better.


Cox pretty much confirmed LoS is Castlevania but in name only lmao

Amusing, isn't it?   :rollseyes:

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2011, 08:16:14 AM »
No, Cox. It really doesn't make sense. Because that means it shouldn't even use the name Castlevania.

Lol, I love how angry and annoyed he sounds. When did he say that?

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Re: Konami Facebook team responding to Operation: Akumajo
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2011, 08:26:14 AM »
Since when is it childish, unprofessional or uncivilized to criticize a company's products or policies?

When it's the way you're going about it already.

Can anyone cite any examples of wontonly arrogant, rude, or abusive behavior toward Konami or its employees?

Your first post in this thread.

Can anyone cite a position taken by Operation: Akumajo, that couldn't be supported by a well-reasoned, rational argument --if not the facts?  I understand our objectives don't appeal to everyone --but can anyone cite any demands in our mission statement that the fanbase DOESN'T actually want?

What we want varies from person to person. Some people DO want the LoS games to continue. That right there debunks your statement.

However you are missing the real point of all of this entirely. You can't think of specifically what you, or you perceive others, to want. You need to make a reasonable suggestion and actually back it up with a logical set of reasons why they should even bother. So far, I've seen nothing in the way of this from your organization. It's always been things like "1999DCW OR WE DON'T WANT IT".

I don't have time to go through every single bullet point, so I will summarize the idea.

Big media in the industry, such as IGN and others, will not usually publish about groups like this if they're handling it like you do. Take a better look at how other petitions and such have handled their campaigns. Learn how to professionally conduct yourself. Little things like using the organization's title to speak through with your own voice dwindle your professional reputation. I really don't have time to tutor you guys on this. Just study a lot more before you jump head long into it. As much as you may not want to hear it; if you can't seem to fix it just hand the reigns off to someone else. Then again, now you have this stigma already attached to the group's name and it may not be possible to turn the image you've already presented around. As it is, and I know you may disagree but, I don't think you will be accomplishing anything in the long run.

