This issue actually came up past a point of no return. I was looking at options to modify the group's name, but Facebook wouldn't allow changes to a community name once it surpasses 100 members --so we got caught in this exposure trap where Facebook members doing a "Castlevania" search never find us.
Make a new thread, and make a big post redirecting visitors to the new one. AKA start over. Start fresh.
The problem is that Rebirth was intended to be a cheap retro throwback,
There's nothing wrong with that.
instead of a game that raised the bar.
Why does it have to be? this is what im talking about. You must understand, Brands like Mega Man and Castlevania are in a tough spot these days because they never truly evolved into the third dimension. This can be traced back to the PS1/PS2 era. the few 3D games they made, were either bombs, or recieved poorly, or both. Both mega Man Legends games literally put Capcom in the red financially. So it was a fight to make a Legends 3, and that eventually, even that was cancelled. Mega Man X7 was a bomb because it was not only an unfinished product, but had bad decisions in it. The mixing of 2D and 3D was what pretty much broke the game.
Castlevania 64 was received poorly for basically being an unfinished product, and overshadowed by the superior 2D game released at the same time. LoI and CoD have fans, but they were both rather bland and not quite up to snuff with other games out at the time. In the end, we dont know how Konami sees them financially. They saw that 2D IGAvanias sold best, so they kept making those. Since the hardware evolved past 2D sprites, they moved to handhelds, which still used them. They made DXC. but it bombed because of the platform. So, they kept at 2D sprite based games. Judgement bombed due to the game type and art direction. Recently, they decided to allow Konami Europe work with mercurysteam on making a big budget Castlevania. To try and bring in a new crowd, they decided on a reboot, so you needed no prior knowledge going in.
If that fails, you can be assured that there WONT be another big budget Castlevania ever again for a LOOOONG time.
To tide the older fans over, they also tried to let IGA make HD, as a type I imagine, of experiment, to see how a multiplayer coop Castlevaia game would work in 2D. They also made The Adventure Rebirth, a pretty high quality 2D remake of Castlevania The Adventure, aimed especially at those who enjoyed classicvanias. it was chock full of old and beloved tunes, and not only did it LOOK great, but it played great.
Long story short, this IS their own fault, since they never properly embraced 3D, and stayed with the safe 2D. As a result, Castlevania has become not too profitable anymore. All they can sell are small 2D handheld games, sprite based games. That's pathetic, so they try to do what they can in 2D, experimenting with different things, (Co op, a Wiiware remake that doesnt really follow any particular system restrictions at all and instead tries to look like a classicvania, but with a few modern flavor available through the technology.)
But we have to support their 3D efforts better if we want anything done in HD. we have to prove to them that Castlevania is profitable in 3D/HD consoles. If they become more at ease with making HD and 3D Castlevania, then we will definitely see more things done with the Classic series eventually. Probably starting with remakes if anything.
Megaman 9 and 10 had much higher nostalgic value because Megaman Classic was essentially dead series at that point.
So were Classicvanias.
Meanwhile 2-D Castlevanias has been stuck on portables devices for over 10 years
because again, 3D console games have failed or been "meh" at best.
--with only only DXC outclassing SotN's overall quality.
Hardly. If only because it is a 2.5D game. Otherwise, SoTN is still high quality, even today, and still outclasses most 2Dvanias that came after.
Putting 2-D Castlevania back on a home console could have and should have been epic, but Konami didn't see it for the opportunity it was.
That's pretty ungrateful. You got a 2D classicvania, with pretty good production values, on a home console. That is far more than what we have gotten for a while. You have to give this time. Its a ladder. from 2D remake DL game, to higher fish from there.
Castlevania was a high end brand during its prime.
So was Mega Man. Mega man is one of the videogame Pioneers. It was the first game to allow players to choose what stage they wanted in whatever order they wanted. It was also high end. Especially once it went to the SNES and PS1.
Although I can certainly respect your appreciation of nostalgic games like Megaman 9 and 10
Dont get me wrong, i dont particularly LIKE 9 and 10, specifically because they are all about trying to imitate Mega Man 2, the now most overrated mega man game ever. 10 was far more original and did far more than 9 did, but I am right where you are with it- rather than making a new HD game, they make 8 bit rehashware, etc etc. But for the moment, it was not a bad idea. It was a sort of revival of the brand, back in classic, back to classic's roots. The problem comes when they start doing ONLY that. But in this case, there is no way for Fans to try and support 3D mega man, since we dont have something like LoS to support.
the DXC has proven that Castlevania still has a colossal amount of untapped potential that can compete with other modern 2-D games.
DXC was still just a 2.5D game on the PSP. It certainly can not compete with something like God of War or Call of Duty or Gears of War. 2D games are dying out, or becoming not as commonplace, relegated to DL status.
Have you seen the sales for New Super Mario Bros Wii? It's the second best-selling game on the Wii at over 22 Million sold worldwide. Nintendo could have gone with a "Rebirth" like some 8-bit Super Mario Bros 4, but instead they decided to make a serious investment --and they ended up outselling both of the Mario Galaxy games combined. Who would have predicted that? Is it so far-fetched to believe that a 2.5-D Castlevania effort *might* actually outsell Lords of Shadow? I have faith that Konami can restore Castlevania, if only they'd think outside the box and make a serious investment.
Nintendo also shits money. They are probably the RICHEST of any game developer.
Did you forget this?
It's not just a joke. It's practically true. they HAVE the monetary freedom to do whatever they want. Nintendo is also headed up BY an actual former game dev, unlike most.