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Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« on: June 11, 2013, 03:26:17 PM »
Wii U & Nintendo 3DS Developer Direct - Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U @E3 2013

Some more info on the game and what they've got so far.
That "Boxing Ring"... could it be Little Mac will also show up? 
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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2013, 05:37:00 PM »
The Mega Man character announcement and loving presentation of his character in Smash Bros are simply phenomenal. Easily in the top five announcements of this E3. But while the inclusion of Mega Man might be a no-brainer, this surprise about the Wii Fit Trainer is totally inspired. I'm serious. Despite being an old-school gamer, I've gotten a lot of fun from and have a lot of respect for Wii Fit, and this inclusion is a classic Nintendo move. Brilliant. If they have the Wii Fit Board as a character as well, I will grin ear to ear. I love the sense of humor and juxtaposition going on here. Still, I'd love to see some Castlevania representation (Simon or Trevor would be appropriate), but that seems less likely. I'm sort of tepid on Smash Bros at this point--it seems like a series that's done a lot already--but the announcements so far are catching my attention more than I expected. (How is it that Smash Bros has gotten a more credible 3D Mega Man than we've seen from Capcom in a while?)

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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2013, 06:06:19 PM »
I didn't really like Brawl; it felt like it tried to do "too much" and the end result wasn't as endearing as Melee was. I tried the online mode a few times, and it was a laggy mess. With this new game, I don't need a story mode or any of that fluff; keep it simple, like the first game & Melee.

As for characters, I hope more representations from other series are present, and no, I don't mean Solid Snake. He just seemed totally out of place (it reminded me how they just decided to include SPAWN and DARTH VADER in the Soul Calibur series. like seriously?) Although my bias would allow Simon Belmont to be in it, naturally. Sonic, on the other hand, fits right in. MegaMan fits right in. Klonoa, even Crash Bandicoot would fit right in. I don't wanna see Ryu Hayabusa or Bayonetta, because they don't really fit in this type of game. All my opinion, of course, if they add Sephiroth or Ryu or some other random character, then whatever, I'll deal with it.

Lastly, I hope they don't use a certain series characters & overshadow the cast with that series' characters. We don't need more than 5 Pokémon in this game. Pikachu, the "trainer," maybe another & that's it. Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Yoshi, that's enough. Any more characters are just excessive. I just want an equal amount & fair representation from each series. UNLESS they decide to go buck-wild Marvel vs. Capcom 2 style and add a shitload of characters, then by all means!

But at the end of the day, I just hope it lives up to the hype. I don't want this to be "Brawl 2.0," I want it to be BETTER than Brawl, like Melee was better than the original.

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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2013, 06:06:53 PM »
I hope they add Vic Viper as a playable fighter.  :-*
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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2013, 06:26:43 PM »
Some are scoffing at the inclusion of the Wii Fit Trainer, but it gives me more opportunity to ogle video games tits and ass, so I'm OK with it.

But Mega Man... Holy balls, that's gonna rock.

Any word if the 3DS and Wii U versions can be played online together?
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2013, 06:43:09 PM »

As for characters, I hope more representations from other series are present, and no, I don't mean Solid Snake. He just seemed totally out of place (it reminded me how they just decided to include SPAWN and DARTH VADER in the Soul Calibur series. like seriously?) Although my bias would allow Simon Belmont to be in it, naturally. Sonic, on the other hand, fits right in. MegaMan fits right in. Klonoa, even Crash Bandicoot would fit right in. I don't wanna see Ryu Hayabusa or Bayonetta, because they don't really fit in this type of game. All my opinion, of course, if they add Sephiroth or Ryu or some other random character, then whatever, I'll deal with it.
I could see classic Ryu fitting in. 

This Guy.

Not this guy. 

Solid Snake could have worked as well, but he wasn't Nintendo's Solid Snake.

Throw this guy in there, I'm cool with it.  They could have even updated the face to make it match the newer version better, but instead they used a version that was better known for being on non-Nintendo consoles. 

Now as for Megaman... well, that's just perfect.  It feels like Nintendo welcoming back one of their own. 

« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 06:53:29 PM by chainsawmidget »

Offline Jorge D. Fuentes

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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2013, 06:44:47 PM »
If you put in Simon, that's the Captain N team right there. :3
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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2013, 06:47:08 PM »
I didn't really like Brawl; it felt like it tried to do "too much" and the end result wasn't as endearing as Melee was. I tried the online mode a few times, and it was a laggy mess. With this new game, I don't need a story mode or any of that fluff; keep it simple, like the first game & Melee.

As for characters, I hope more representations from other series are present, and no, I don't mean Solid Snake. He just seemed totally out of place (it reminded me how they just decided to include SPAWN and DARTH VADER in the Soul Calibur series. like seriously?) Although my bias would allow Simon Belmont to be in it, naturally. Sonic, on the other hand, fits right in. MegaMan fits right in. Klonoa, even Crash Bandicoot would fit right in. I don't wanna see Ryu Hayabusa or Bayonetta, because they don't really fit in this type of game. All my opinion, of course, if they add Sephiroth or Ryu or some other random character, then whatever, I'll deal with it.

Lastly, I hope they don't use a certain series characters & overshadow the cast with that series' characters. We don't need more than 5 Pokémon in this game. Pikachu, the "trainer," maybe another & that's it. Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Yoshi, that's enough. Any more characters are just excessive. I just want an equal amount & fair representation from each series. UNLESS they decide to go buck-wild Marvel vs. Capcom 2 style and add a shitload of characters, then by all means!

But at the end of the day, I just hope it lives up to the hype. I don't want this to be "Brawl 2.0," I want it to be BETTER than Brawl, like Melee was better than the original.

They gave megaman eight way metal blade wth? I know simon ius not going to make it I give freaking up if sakurai wants classic character then logic would dictate simon. Pit,MM, Simon you all know where I'm going with this but the chances are zero even with the 3ds version.

Yeah I'm so pessimistic it's sad I want no other character than Simon for the konami representative he just fits. I'm mean he would fit much better than freaking wii fit girl what the hell and other characters (some go way out there and don't make sense). As for namco it has to be a tales of I believe Jorge at one point said Lloyd from symphonia I agree with that. Also even if Simon could  could not make it in add dracula at least, we all know the series needs more villains.

If you put in Simon, that's the Captain N team right there. :3

That's not fair you beat me I had this in my comment well before I posted  :P

But at least great minds think alike.  ;D
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 06:49:33 PM by Neobelmont »
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Come on now this was going to happen eventually  :P

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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2013, 06:59:55 PM »
MegaMan's Metal Blade seems to be 8-directional, but if you throw it down+right/down, it gets stuck on the ground.  At that point you can pick it up and throw it.
In the playthrough you see him throwing it up+diagonally.  Seems slow a bit. :o
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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2013, 07:17:14 PM »
You know, some are saying that the Animal Crossing Villager looks a teensy bit creepy...
It is precisely because it never cared, that people do care.  It's something which it's lacking, because that which it has, it has lackluster of.
You are now reading this in Robert Belgrade's voice.

Then Lords of Shadow 2 just takes a big, semi-solid, smelly, pea-green dump all over everything.

Offline Jorge D. Fuentes

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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2013, 09:24:06 PM »


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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2013, 09:40:01 PM »
This Smash bros has a very nice-looking Link.  ;D

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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2013, 02:06:54 AM »
Know who I wanna see in a Smash Bros. game? (Since Namco was mentioned.)

Rick from Splatterhouse. ;D

Guess it doesn't matter which era, just throw in bloody punches and a meat clever and I'm satisfied. If'n ya wanna use the profanity-laden reboot Rick-with-Terror Mask back-and-forth combo, that'd be extra comical.

Just do it, Nintender. :O
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2013, 03:26:38 AM »
All I have to say, that although I'm not much of a fan of Smash Bros., I did almost cream myself when I saw the part with Megaman. That trailer was made of awesome. Like I said on the Megaman Network site, Capcom NEEDS to take this Megaman design and make a new game.

Hey! Has anyone else noticed that if they add in Simon, we'd have most of the N Team in the game? Hell throw in Captain N and you've got a whole bag of awesome!
« Last Edit: June 12, 2013, 04:21:21 AM by Inccubus »
"Stuff and things."

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Re: Super Smash Bros. Thread (3DS+Wii-U)
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2013, 09:25:47 AM »
If they put Captain N in that game, I will buy two copies. 

Also, let's hope for King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard. 

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