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Twenty years ago...
« on: April 22, 2022, 02:41:47 PM »
…was a Monday.  No college classes, but there was laundry to be done. 

I popped onto the forums to see what was up and found a user named Master Librarian had posted an animated GIF of the Simon’s Quest mountainscape, a loop of the scene scrolling.  My first impression was it’d make a great background for some sort of CV-Shmup and I posted one of my early DCTP Humor pics:

Later in the laundry session I discovered Anapan (the Man who CAN {pull anything from the SotN CD}) had posted up his own version of the flying Slogra...

...and I was instantly inspired to slam together a quick scene of it knocking out an enemy.  Numerous iterations would follow across the spring of 2002 as the skit evolved into what was intended as a multipart tribute to my favorite videogames; twenty years ago, in this corner of the worldwide CastleVania community, ParoVadius was born. 

Twenty years since… 

…the Belmont family maintains a long history of fighting evil. 

On my end, Life, and the circumstances have complicated the pursuit of my ambitions for too damn long.  At last, however, a major inflection point approaches; one I know will make all the difference. 

That’s not to suggest this epic fanfic will resume building at any point soon.  It’d be fun to pick it up again, but there’s a great deal of work I look forward to taking on as time will soon allow.  What I mean to express is that despite however the cards may have landed in those years since that afternoon I’ve kept it in mind that on this date, one of my favorite pieces of fanart began taking shape. 

Thanks to everyone there for that moment. 

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Re: Twenty years ago...
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2022, 04:21:24 AM »
That looks familiar.
"Stuff and things."