Wow! So someone actually reading this. I a so happy about this! Thanks for your respond guys!

First, Thank you X for answer the first question for me. Thank you!

Yes, that was Leon and Mathias at the beginning. I know it is somehow confusing for those who don't know Castlevania well, but one thing I learn from writing stories is never state anything too clear, or it will look more like an information booklet than a story. Also, I only want to touch the core of the feature about Castlevania without bother the heroic role of Simon, so I did not go very detail about it.
And about those who are closer relative to Simon like Trevor and Christopher, yeah, they are, but I want to make it more unreal for the children to laugh. Because Simon is just a regular villager who is trying to date the winemaker's daughter...for now. He doesn't have to be a hero until he...well, meet his distiny.
Second, about the water for winemaking...Oh well, this is some little thin I learn from my wine class. They teacher said that mountain water is more fit for wine making than regular river water because mountain water went through many rocks and stone, which purify the water, which river water did not go through all these and...apparently, not as good as mountain water when it comes to winemaking. I put this in the story trying to make the winemaker more professional, which seems it back fired...
Thank you X again for explain my intention for me. I am happy to have a reader like you! Thank you!

And...phew! Long talk here. Now the story, enjoy it!!
Act 3: Coming-of-Age
(A huge party set up at the filet in front of the village church. Food and drinks are served on the tables; villagers are dancing and having fun. A beautiful marble font set up right in front of the door of the church, as if a baptism is ready to happen.)
(A Priest step behind the font, villagers stopped dancing and become quiet.)
(Simon stood in line with several young man and woman close to his age. Linda was watching within other villagers.)
Priest: It comes to the day again for our new generation to join us as the servants of God. May our lord, the omniscient and omnipotent God always look down to us and guide us on every step we take.
Villagers: Amen.
(The youth step upon the font. The Priest steeped his fingers in the water of the font, draw a cross on the youth's forehead, and say something about his future.)
Priest: The animals will look upon you as their leader. You shall feed the mouths of our youth and made the clothes for our men.
Young man: Amen.
Priest: This rosary will protect you and the one you love. May your future bless by our Father, the true lord God.
(Young man bow to the Priest and went back to the villagers, he gave the rosary to his mother.)
(All the rituals are the same except what the Priest said about the future)
Priest: (To a young woman) The fragrance of flowers fill the path you walk. Your bouquet shall marry our lord.
Priest: (To a young man) The beasts in the forest shall fear you as their nature enemy. You shall be the shield to protect the villages.
Priest: (To a young woman) Flour turns into something new within these hands. You shall serve our lord for what he needs for his banquet.
Priest: (To a young man) You took the gift from our God though these living plants. You shall provide shelter and tools to those who needed.
(Simon walked upon the Priest, and the ritual has been held.)
Priest: You…
Simon: …?
Priest: You are loved by our lord, the true God in heaven. Therefore, a heavy cross shall place upon your shoulders.
(Simon felt really confuse. Villagers started to discuss quietly.)
Priest: You are destined to walk a difficult path. You shall follow the footsteps of your ancestors and fulfill the duty of your bloodline. But fear not. Our Father is always watching over you, and his guidance will always be there whenever you need.

Priest: Now go. May this rosary protect someone truly important to you.
(Simon took the rosary and bow to the Priest. He went back to the villagers, but did not give the rosary to anyone.)
(A party was held after the ritual. Villagers enjoy food and drinks, and dancing in the open area)
(Linda was chatting with a group of young ladies that close to her age. They soon noticed when Simon draws close.)
Simon: Hey, Linda. Want to dance with me?
(Other girls started laughing and whisper on each other’s ears.)
Linda: Oh! Shut up!
(Other girls ran away while laughing loud.)
Simon: So, can I dance with you?
Linda: Sure, why not?
(The two came to the open area and start dancing.)
Linda: Priest John said something really wired to you. Do you understand what he said?
Simon: Absolutely no idea. But that fortune telling things always sounds funny to me thought.
Linda: I beg your parents are worry.
Simon: Sure they do. But they also know I'm no small potato. They don't worry much.
Linda: Especially after one of them received the rosary for “someone truly important to you”.
Simon: No, it still here.
(Simon took out the rosary and show Linda.)
Linda: Wh…Why? Why didn't you give it to them?
Simon: You heard Priest John said. I want to give this to someone truly important to me.
Linda: Who will that be?
Simon: What about you?
Linda: (Shocked) Wh…What? Stop joking Simon.
Simon: I am not joking. I can't find anyone that can fit this rosary more than you.
(The two look quietly in each other’s eyes. Simon put on the rosary for Linda.)
Simon: Keep this on for me, will you?
Linda: I will…Always…
(The two then quietly dance with each other.)
Act 4: Vampire Killer
(Party ended and Simon went home. His parents await him by the dining table.)
Simone's Mother: Simon! Congratulation for you! Did you have fun?
Simon: Sure do! That was a lot of fun in the party.
Simone's Mother: I am happy to hear that. We saw you gave the rosary to the winemaker's daughter. Do you fancy her?
Simon: I guess so. She is very cute. Is this OK?
(Simone's Mother looked back to Simone's Father. Simone's Father responded with a smile.)
Simone's Father: Hundreds of OKs. She is a nice girl. We both are happy for you.
(Simon quietly showed his relief.)
Simone's Father: Simon, this is the great day of your Coming-of-Age. However, our coming-of-age is different from others.
Simon: You mean the vampire hunting stories?
Simone's Father: No story. Those are truth history.
Simon: But that was 500 years ago!
Simone's Father: No, it happened only 100 years ago.
(Simon shock into speechless)
Simone's Father: And my grandfather was the one who fulfilled that duty.
Simon: What
(Simone's Father stood up and came in front of Simon. He then took a whip off his belt and hand it to Simon. Simon received the whip with both hands.)
Simone's Father: This is the Holy Whip that pressed down from our ancestor. As its name “Vampire Killer”, it is the nature enemy of all creatures of the night. I was so lucky that I never get to use this whip. I hope the same fortune goes to you.
(Simon carefully put the whip on his belt; swear that he would use the whip with honor. However, he could not help to think about what the Priest told him about he has to “walk a difficult path”.)
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. One thing I got to confess though. English is not my first language. I learn most of my English from the TV show. That "How dare you slack off on me?" was from a TV show too. I know my English is...not good. But I will do my best to finish this story. At least I can promise you that.