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MercurySteam was monitored by Nintendo when was making Samus Return and Metroid Dread and yet they still managed to do their own thing, which is sad.
As gameplay Dread is a fine game, my only gripe is that you have to play with the analogue stick and games of this genre are not favorite with that. As for the story it's nice but not something mind blowing, but the biggest flaw is the music. It's almost non existend, the only track that is a little worthy is the one that plays on the water level.All previous metroid games had awesome music and tunes than i can still play on my mind.
"Did you know when one's most desperation time is? It's when he was beaten up by someone critically...And he can't find who caused this."
Personally I wouldn't care. I'd rather want Castlevania to stay remain in the slumber for all eternity. It seems Castlevania as an IP, only fits the golden time it originally belongs to.