So I was typing up a document for the changes I'd like to add to the CV2 Retranslation and I came up with a new mechanic that I think might make the game more interesting and more in line with the story.
Since Simon is supposed to be stricken with a curse that is killing him I thought it might be interesting to show this in the game in a more tangible way that will create a stronger sense of urgency in the player.
Simply put, I was thinking of inverting the level up system.
It would work like this:
At the beginning of the game Simon would start out at level 6 with health and defense maxed out.
Now instead of leveling up what would happen is that every other day that passes will cause Simon to level down reducing his max HP and defense.
So basically after 14 days Simon would be back to level 0.
For a more complex hack, I was thinking of removing the defense aspect of the level system and creating armor items that can be bought in the various towns.
This would be a much more difficult and time consuming involving much more than just the level up code.
What do you guys think?