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Haunted Castle Revisited is technically our newest CastleVania game. 
So far I've been happy with the layout of three screens.  Having both the map and info screens up at the same time is a luxury I didn't expect they'd make happen and it works pretty well.  I'm playing on projector against my wall and I can just kind of ignore the stuff on the right half of the screen if I want.  I'll see how it goes when I try playing it on the Switch screen though.

One thing that's been great is the ability to customize the button layout.  I've really enjoyed being able to make it more like the button setup I've always used for Symphony of the Night.  An irritant though is that they severely restrict where you're able to assign the touch and collection menu. This is preventing me from using the optimum setup. A problem I have with my current Zelda themed wireless controller is that the start button is placed too close to the Y button button so that I find myself frequently accidentally pressing it when I attack. I moved the switch screens functionality to the start button so that it doesn't interrupt gameplay when that happens.

Another potential problem I see is that you can't adjust the speed of the pointer.  I'm afraid that during the boss seal events I won't be able to write the glyph fast enough in the heat of battle.  I haven't tried that, so maybe it's not an issue, but I might end up having to switch to my Switch screen when fighting bosses.  Alternatively, I might just end up frequently using the rewind feature during those boss battles because I don't think it's cheating if the controls don't function properly.  I do hope this ends up on a Switch 2 which I hope would allow you to use a second screen and a touch screen to make it possible to switch between using the touch pad and big screen more seamlessly. 
I downloaded it after it came out yesterday and beat haunted castle revisited shortly after.

It was great. The best classicvania in many years!
That was my first thought too.  I don't want to complain, because this collection is what the fanbase has been asking for.  But I can do without the map and status screens for most of the gameplay, and I'd like an option to play with the main screen full-screen.  It's less immersive with the extra screens on the side.

Oh well.  Not coincidentally, I've got COVID and I guess I'll just have to stay home for the next few days.  Shucks!
HC Revisited is just so good I've been playing it nonstop since last night. I'm on my fifth run already. Played also a bit of DoS and unfortunately i can't really stand the multiscreen layout. It just constantly takes me out, I'm sorry to say this but i really hate it. Why they didn't think of an option to have the full screen and switching between the two with the pression of a button. Hope they'll implement it with a patch later
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: If these were Konami's next compilations
« Last post by Reinhart77 on August 27, 2024, 10:55:16 PM »
reviewed the list of requested features in the original post, and now i'm a little disappointed we didn't get the "Kabuchi no Tsuisoukyoku" novel.  i don't suppose it's a super hidden bonus if you beat all the games?  haha.
Amazing that this wasn't on our radar at all until the day it was dropped. Great name too, Dominus.  Reminds me of Soma's power of Dominance and of course the Dominus glyphs, plus the first and last letters are DS.

As long as they're in the business of remaking old games, another one that I think could use a little new polish would be Vampire Killer.  Might be a little awkward with that particular engine, but I have been waiting forever to play this on a console.

I reviewed the trophies, and it's a little too bad they didn't get very creative with them.  It's all just "beat a boss" or "beat a game mode". Oh well, I don't really care about trophies anyways except as curiosities.
With how well the remake of Haunted Castle is I'm curious to see what remake's of other Classicvania's would play like in the M2 engine if Konami allowed M2 to remake the older titles
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: If these were Konami's next compilations
« Last post by Hiryu on August 27, 2024, 09:07:27 PM »
Not so much the DS collection but would love to replay the PS2 games. Especially anything that includes the classic CV64. Despite its flaws, I had a lot of fun with it.
This collection is fantastic. I'm still stunned that Konami actually did it.  We've been begging for years!  The Haunted Castle remake is a really cool surprise too.  It plays so much better than the original, and it feels like more CVA Rebirth goodness.  This is such a great day to be a Castlevania fan!
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