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they suddenly remembered judgment and told koji, yeah no man, leave castlevania alone now, and no more sotn clones ok?
so he left konami and made a sotn clone.

you can't keep chewing on the same piece of meat and expect the initial texture and taste forever (japanese castlevanias). but there's even greater risk in trying a new piece of meat lol (lords of shadow). i agree it has absolutely nothing to do with castlevania, but hey eric alvarez is a genius, something like that.
It was a massive missed opportunity, at least in my mind.  We got Lords of Shadow instead of this.  I really like a lot about Lords of Shadow, but I hate that it has the Castlevania name attached to it.  It just doesn't respect Castlevania, and much of it doesn't feel like Castlevania.  Lords of Shadow effectively took the place of this SotN follow-up.  Even if this canceled project ended up mediocre, it would have been infinitely more respectful to the Castlevania lore than LoS was.  And LoS would likely still have been made, but not under the Castlevania name.  It would have been the best of both worlds.

This game has eluded us ever since this teaser was released, and quickly cancelled in favor of Lords of Shadow. Little to nothing is known about this, but what we could piece together & speculate, obviously Alucard would’ve been the main character again. It seems it would have taken place shortly after Symphony of the Night. I don’t think this was ever confirmed (obviously) but I believe this game would’ve tied into the Nocturne of Recollection radio drama somehow. Some motion capture work was done, as I recall an interview a mocap actor did a while back where he said he did a few days work on this project at Konami HQ before it was canned.

As far as I know IGA never commented on this, since he’s the only one that could give us solid answers as to what happened, the direction he was going for, etc. I feel the OST would’ve been incredible had it been greenlit. So was this a missed opportunity, or did we dodge a bullet?
I'll believe it when I see it, but Konami does seem to be bringing back its old franchises. The new trailer for Metal Gear Solid 3 remake looks great, and they also recently released a new Silent Hill, Contra, and the Haunted Castle remake.

But Castlevania as a full AAA title? I find that harder to believe. It's been a long time since Lords of Shadow and I feel like the gaming landscape has changed a lot since then.

Super Castlevania 4 Remake. In an RDR2 quality open world and massive macabre castle, please.
Whoa...blast from the past!  It's good to see you still checking in here.
To be honest, i tend to believe that it's going to be another game following lords of Shadows, but at this point i'm all in for getting surprised, if there is something entire else.

I’m wondering what a Lords of Shadow 3 will even be about? The ending was very final; Dracula stops Satan from destroying the world, he then glances into the Mirror of Fate, then shatters it for some reason, then walks back into the church like nothing happened. In my opinion it was a very lame conclusion, and I don’t even know where else they can go moving forward. Is Gabriel/Dracula still a bad guy? That’s never really answered. What happens to Alucard? It was just so abrupt that I don’t even care to see what happens next, because the developers didn’t know what happened next either.

But stranger things have happened so maybe they’ll surprise me.
« Last post by Migami Games on February 08, 2025, 11:39:28 AM »
Thanks RichterB!

No worries about your switch 2 theory, it was a totally legitimate question!

Thanks for telling your friend about us and spreading the word!

Regarding Mateo's movement, with all of his abilities and the layout of the game, he flies around the screen as fast, if not faster than any other metroidvania game. These concerns based off a 1:36 trailer should fade once people realize the game offers way more than can be shown in a short span. The game is enormous.

Regarding Bloodless, we were in communication with Artplay almost from the start of development of the game since working with them on the Wallachia costume. They had access to the full game and gave input for a long time. Her inclusion was done in a caring way with input from both camps. No fourth wall is broken, and there are no MCU style multiverse plot elements or anything like that. Her inclusion is natural and adds a great challenge to the game for the true Knights of the Rose Cross order!

Thank you so much for kind words and encouragement. It means a lot!

Much respect to you as an educator and it's always worthwhile to manifest your dreams and ideas when you receive them from the universe! 🙂

« Last post by RichterB on February 08, 2025, 10:04:39 AM »
@Migami Games. I've been doing more reaction on X/Twitter and elsewhere with the recent trailer. I got a buddy of mine who's a streamer onboard and he's hyped now. I did see your messages here, though, and greatly appreciate them. I especially appreciate the insights and transparency you've given on this website.

You already know I'm all in. ;D I'm starting to contemplate if I need to get it for Switch AND PS5 now. I've been biding my time catching up on some Resident Evils I had missed and returning to Devil May Cry 1 and 3 for the first time some two decades (now in HD); all have been amazing experiences that surpassed my expectations...but also like appetizers for the Wolf that is coming. I did not mean to sound sarcastic with my comment about Switch 2 (which I got down-voted for here!), but I was trying to figure out how CotW was going to get a January/February release at that point, new publisher or not.

From an outside perspective, it's been amazing and surreal to see this hidden gem get more exposure, so I imagine it's even more rewarding from the inside. And while I have seen some snide comments about things like the walking cycle animation, please ignore the haters. They don't get it. (It's also sad to see that Lecarde Chronicles 2 is not as well known as I would have hoped...but then Castlevania in general is largely known as a Netflix animation these days.) I am wondering how much the input of a new publisher might have changed things in the game, but I trust the core vision is still there. It certainly looks like it from the trailer, and the old demo was already great.

By the way, during the delays, I played the Castlevania DS Collection. It'd been a long time since I played Dawn of Sorrow and I never got around to Order of Eccelsia, as I was burned out on Metroidvanias at the time of its release. Two things stuck out to me. Did Order of Ecclesia's Wygol Village and world map structure play into Lecarde Chronicles 1's design choices at all? (I always assumed Simon's Quest and Belmont's Revenge were the inspiration points for that in LC1.) Also, was Dawn of Sorrow's mirror traversal an inspiration point for the mirror world parts in Lecarde Chronicles 2?

Back to Wolf, I almost didn't want to watch the trailer...but I don't think it spoiled too much. I heard the game is very large, and some of what was in the trailer was in the demo, so I think I'll be okay. I saw in the trailer what I wanted. Puzzles, lots of platforming, and a variety of locations. And of course--ATMOSPHERE--visual and musical. (Someone noted on social media how your graphical style is like a painting turned into pixel art, and I agree. It just washes over you and doesn't feel overproduced or artificial. By the way, this game has A LOT of great promotional art behind it now. The last art to come out was cover-worthy already, and now we have more. Great stuff.

Interesting to see the air dash have that effect in front. I wonder if it creates a shield effect eventually. The warp effect is intense, and I love how it zooms in on the statues on the side when selecting an area. I saw the obligatory river guide, which get two thumbs up. I hope the game utilizes more ideas that were already in the Lecarde games so people can experience that vibe even as it expands outward.

I'm glad Bloodstained's Bloodless being in it gives the game some more reach, and the cameo looks well done, but no offense, I'm largely indifferent about it. I like your material all by itself and, no disrespect, I personally feel Lecarde Chronicles 2 was superior to Bloodstained. But I understand some need that push, and I hope they give it a chance. From my own creative endeavors in life, I've seen this weird thing where if you try to make something that's inspired by something (or several things), but isn't the same thing, people find a way to not explore it and stay entrenched in their own camp. Related to that, it was strange seeing even Bloodstained fans turn on Dominique's Curse, which I thought was among the best material to come out of Bloodstained so far. My only concern about Bloodless is if it breaks the fourth wall too much or if it is subtly included. Your games are so immersive that I'd hate for this to stick out and distract from the story/quest too much.

There is a rumor that a new Castlevania might be announced this year now. If so, I hope it's a 3D entry that builds off the vision of the N64 era and updates it because you've got nearly everything I'd want in the 2D realm for Castlevania except a whip and a grapple-swinging mechanic like Super Castlevania IV.

What more can I say? Congratulations! Seeing this kind of game take flight out there makes me feel good. CotW is directly in the vein of things I had hoped to make. With the June release, I may have to draw the Woman in Green at some point. And I am also contemplating going public with the mostly never-off-the-ground projects I spent the last few decades on. I never could get on the ground floor in the gaming industry and ended up investing my time in novels as a parallel track alongside being an educator. But I have a ton of design and story work done on a bunch of original IP since the N64 era that I'm just not sure what to do with at this point, despite my passion for it all. Here's a sampling of that:

All the best!

EDIT: Finally got the pic to attach after the full resolution wouldn't fit in either the image feature of this site or the attachment feature.
« Last post by Migami Games on February 08, 2025, 02:51:12 AM »
Thank you!

It's nice to get a reply around here!
Super Castlevania 4 Remake. In an RDR2 quality open world and massive macabre castle, please.
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