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Hardcore Gaming 101 / Re: What game(s) have you been playing lately?
« Last post by zangetsu468 on January 31, 2025, 03:31:45 PM »
Uh... Ok, that game is weirder than I thought.

It’s decent for what it is. The humour is on point.

Back late last year I did play through and finish ROTN Classic II: Dominic’s Curse. I’m likely going to write a review on it, following the ROTN one I did a few years back.

Fan Stuff / Re: Whip Rush!!!
« Last post by TheManaTree on January 29, 2025, 09:43:55 AM »
Thanks for the MIDI files Jeepy!
General Castlevania Discussion / Re: Main Series Castlevania
« Last post by Jorge D. Fuentes on January 29, 2025, 08:13:45 AM »
I was talking about Harmony of Despair, since its 'stages' are all supposedly stories in a book.
Grimoire of Souls is a continuation past 2035's events and is canon.
Fan Stuff / Re: Whip Rush!!!
« Last post by Jorge D. Fuentes on January 29, 2025, 06:43:07 AM »
Oooh I know what I'm downloading, tonight.
Fan Stuff / Re: Whip Rush!!!
« Last post by Jeepy on January 28, 2025, 04:04:52 PM »
How did I miss this?? THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I've been hunting for Whip Rush 3 for almost 15 years now, and after how rarely it appeared on Suruga-ya and after covid, I've almost lost all hope. It's a Christmas miracle, indeed!

This is so beautiful I'm in tears.

As a little bonus, here's some MIDI files I've managed to find on Wayback Machine from MIDISAKA's old website (mostly old stuff, but the newer ones sound close to their Whip Rush arrangement counterparts!):

It's a real shame MIDISAKA doesn't do more music, it seems like. His arrangements are godlike.
Fan Stuff / Re: Whip Rush!!!
« Last post by TheManaTree on January 28, 2025, 10:31:52 AM »
OH MY GOD!!!!!! I can't believe you did it! I've been wanting this album for over a decade!
I can't thank you enough for sharing this!
Off Topic / Re: [Introduction] Who is that? Oh my, it's Wecoc!
« Last post by Jorge D. Fuentes on January 28, 2025, 09:15:51 AM »
You get a +1 for the reference, hehe.
Off Topic / Re: [Introduction] Who is that? Oh my, it's Wecoc!
« Last post by Wecoc on January 27, 2025, 04:32:04 PM »
Thanks for your kind words, everyone.
Most forums nowadays are very inactive, so that doesn't surprise me at all. Although this one still seems to revive every once in a while, just like Dracula, so I figured I'd come anyway.

I'm at the CVD Discord as well, but I feel things in Discord tend to get mixed and may get lost with time, and become very hard to find again.
Discord is a creature of Chaos. It may take many conversations. (So I can't trust my memories, huh? :rollseyes:)
Fan Stuff / Re: Castlevania Music and Sound Request & Showcase Thread
« Last post by Wecoc on January 27, 2025, 04:06:32 PM »
Blood Monkey: Amazing, that 8-bit cover is very impressive! I love those ghostly trills in the second voice and the instrument changes between passages :o

Here's a meme one: Nocturne from Castlevania Symphony of the Night, but in the style of Castlevania Symphony of the Night

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