Hi everybody!

I'm glad that you like the game it has been a big ordeal for me. i've got lot's of messages of congratulation coming from everywhere in the world in my email and i cannot answer everyone of them but know i'm very touched.
I want to thanks everybody who participed in the game creation and promotion. the success belongs also to them.
Thanks so much to Belmontoya who has worked very hard for the game's success in many ways.
By the way many players have asked me for a physical copy even by purchasing it. i'm sorry but they were for contributors. There are only 37 of them, most of them have been dispatched. I keep some of them "just in case". I cannot sell the game whatever it's form is. It was the condition to agree Konami and it's fair.
Nevertheless if you want, i can show pictures of them.
I also have received messages of stucked players

I know that many players have already completed the game at 100% so please ask for those hints in the forum because i cannot answer every one

I'm now very tired, the backlash after the game creation's end is very hard for me. Creating the game kept me busy for most of my free time. I'm a Youth center manager as a civil servant, i lead a team of 10 people. My regular job is already hard, full of pressure and time consumming.
I have been asked to make a sequel by many players and other projects based on their ideas. I'm sorry but i will need many "lifetimes" to do that

I need now many monthes of peaceful rest in the game creation domain

thanks again to everybody

i hope the new players will enjoy the game.