As i'm really close to finish the game too, maybe I can point some bugs that I've found during my gameplay. (I hopes that I will not find any bug until the end.)
Can we amass all bugs that we can find, make a list and sendo to Mig until the next update?
-The mars ring not appears in the inventory list when I pick it. I've closed the game and tried many times and the error persists.
-The Von Viltheim Necklace dont protect you against bad statuses. (intentional?)
-You will take the double of the normal damage if you're hit by a enemy attack when charging the aura blast. (intentional?)
-The "consumption" word are misspelled "Consumpsion" in the AIR FLOAT and WHIRLWIND tutorial.
I really love the architecture of the entire game, so much details, and the OST is wonderful, the original tracks are awesome.