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Here is the complete OST for those of you who are interested!It is in the OGG format Mig used for the game. You will need to play it in a player that can read OGG files and loop tracks. I will not have time to do my youtube videos as I had hoped to do. I will spend that time working on our next project instead.If anyone wants to help get this stuff posted on the interwebs feel free. I suggest looping each track a couple times and fading out. Just give credits and plug the game! Thanks!I've never shared a folder publicly with dropbox so if there are security problems or anything I will have to take this post down quickly. Hopefully it works. Thanks everyone! Enjoy!https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g3aoor5dobn1yp4/AACwf85u_hUqYZtVK5tfZ9AYa?dl=0
They'll all be on Youtube as soon as I'm finished compiling the videos for him.
I'm very happy that it made it to you Aensland!Keep your eyes on the Twitter today friends for your chance to get one!Very few remain but for now I can give one more away.
"Did you know when one's most desperation time is? It's when he was beaten up by someone critically...And he can't find who caused this."