I‘ve completed the game for 3 times (900 Max HP is involving glitch/tricks) and want to share some small talk and my very personal way of "review" to you.
Gameplay: 9/10
The control scheme retains 9/10 of ol' great LC1 feelings with several new things.
The Mega Man X3-friendly Double Air Dash! Triple jump! I'm talking about you.
A little shame: There's nothing quicker than the jump>low-air dash combination to move around which means no better mobility when face tough enemy soup area. (most of enemy soup places CAN be countered though, no luck when starting the first clean playthrough)
Rope & ring action is OK, but the grab succeed detection of ring is still inconvenient; And you can't even attack when grabbing a ring? What's wrong with it?
Playstyle: Whip style and Sword style do have their own advantage and disadvantage, I don't have trouble receiving both one but the weapon attack range in LC1 is more reliable
Some complain about Sub weapon:
The Holy Water can't find a better usage in the game (especially Boss Rush).
The hit detection of its hitbox is questionable: The hitbox is not exist for the flame part, is it also intentional?
Stages/Graphics: 8/10
VERY well job for some neat puzzle buried in stages. Sacred fire enlightening candles in Demo game; check the moon/star symbols located near the Death battle to unlock a number lock; Diamond can be thrown in small path to open a switch; etc.
Graphic quirk do exist in the game:
But basically one can't notice them as there're no serious issues with gameplay.
Stage design is the rather plain Haunted Castle 3 style but as I overcame HC3 (it's the
Hell itself!) there's no significant trouble to me. (Thanks the Internet!)
Detailed thing like traps...there's the point that something didn't feel right for me. Especially some (The one in university, and rope+spike combination in machine tower) But overcame those traps give me VERY accomplishment feelings which is rather difficult to find in another 2D action based game.
Boss Rush is unbalanced (No "orb from the sky" exist after a boss beaten) and no unlockables after beat it; hence it a less meaningful mode as LC1.
Enemy/Boss design: 8.5/10
Some neat idea about enemy design (skeletons throw two bones at the same time, with two shooting angles!) but
the stuff as amazing as Puppet Master/Friedrich Mirror Creature in LC1 is nowhere to be found.
Top 3 Good boss design for Illusionlist, Nightmare Plant and Count Servigny; other two Counts are OK but most bosses are in small one-screen room; the lack of phase-changing boss give less epic feelings
Top 3 Good enemy design for the two-shooting arc skeletons mentioned above, skeleton gunner and plants; Gaibon's pattern when flying has so much similarities to Haunted Castle 3 one which looks strange. (And is there stronger counterpart of Gaibon like HC3 one once exist in the developing/WIP process?)
Enemies & bosses have nice connection to those in LC1! Members of V.V Family in LC1 exist as a part of Death's summon attack. So funny to see the body of LC1 final boss spinning around in wasp queen form!
Sound/Music: 9.9/10
"One step near perfect" I almost shout out. Background SFX
IS perfect. For voice acting and BGM composing I can feel how much sweat and time were dropped in order to master up these stuff and contact those famous voice actors...
Some tracks (Albaret town morning, Servigny district afternoon) I can imagine the style of some South American plus West Europe folk...just cool!
My favourite is Nightmare Plant boss battle theme. I feel a proper reincarnation of official Castlevania and fan work is this theme...
The music box function! Great nostalgia to all Castlevania fans...
...I must repeat I'm very glad to see one of my request is in the game! (the music box)
Replayability: 7.5/10
It's (clearly to see) too long to be played all over again. Though there're useful glitches/tricks that happened to further extend it.
Story: 9.1/10
I'm very easy to be brought into the atmosphere this time. The journey to travel around the whole France is so "hot"!
But when the game is at the WIP progress I once thought the big bad guy would be the Pope in the Rome Church... It's Him who ordered Efrain to travel around and repel evil, as the repelled evil would return at one day and finally consumed all over his body if he loses control in the Castle...
Dracula didn't exist in the game as villain... I can understand it since it's fan made game, but it doesn't fit the "Akumajo Dracula" in the Japanese title you decided.
The Ending gave me a feeling that there would be sequel possibility! Alucard's journey is not finished...
Overall & other stuff: 9.8/10
One point lose is the questionable windowed mode mentioned before:
In the full release Windowed mode is still incomplete. The task bar and window border is still missing. What's wrong with it?
Even using the LC1 one for windowed mode is better than the current status... It gave me some feelings like "It's still a WIP build!" 
I can only hope it would be fixed in the (unsure) future...
Another point lose is the inconvenient keyboard adjust which gave my friends very bad First Impression.
I miss the Axe LV2 IC in LC1...!

Total: 61.8/70
And last! My First Impression:
The upward point
The game caught the Castlevania atmosphere very well, just as the previous game
Great scenario, pretty designed bosses&enemies, almost perfect control scheme, cool voice acting... Everything just interested me.
Almost no repeated scene, cool day-night change added much more variation to enemy species, the time-related opened sky scenario in several places are so beautiful...
Game difficulty is a little bit harder than what I expected but I can take it.
The downward point
Actually I have several doubts about The Aura Blast system, mainly due to its limitation about player character's mobility (being hurt by enemies makes magic charging stops...Not a big loss at charging level 1/2 but if want to launch Holy Cross in boss battle it would be serious problem) Though we still have several counter measures it didn't change the fact that Magic power usage was limited sometimes.
Is there any possible way to further increase player character's mobility at the late half of the game (other than the short air dash succeed from previous game)? I'm wondering...
I also received report of several people (keyboard only user) troubled with keyboard control adjust since I'm used to gamepad I have no idea
Actually I still can't say the control adjust interface is user-friendly. Is there un-counter-able technical problem exist in game program? I did have some doubt.
Despite that, if we Countered the flaw/issues a great all-new Castlevania game awaits all of us kindly!