That is a bit of a stretch. They are not exactly the same. Sure, both are Dhampyrs. Both had Dracula as their father and a human woman as their mother. And both feel strongly against the evil they partially represent. But that's.. kinda where the similarities end.
there's a reason i didn't say any more than i did--we'd be here all day if you were to actually list the differences, but for clarity's sake here're a few
-dracula in vhd is a literal diety to the point of being a cosmic force of nature
-d's conception was not "dracula loved a human woman" but vhd's dracula wanting to ascend his species so he knocked up countless human women and killed the offspring over and over until they evolved into a being with practically none of the crippling vampiric weaknesses--that being was d
-d fights all vampires rather than simply having a feud with daddy and sleeping when daddy's on vacation like alucard
-d doesn't necessarily like going full vampire but unlike alucard he doesn't really have a problem letting it out when he needs to
-alucard's around 600 or so, d's
over 10,000so already, completely different origins and character motivations
now for abilities
-d is almost cosmic-god levels of OP like his father late in the novels, to the point of
resisting being erased from reality via manipulation of akashic records and other reality-warping forces...^this is all i need to bring up, really