I just read that segment of the game's development. Why. Why did he choose to stick in one of the worst segments of Battletoads?! The turbo tunnel?? No. Please no. Anyone who's played Battletoads knows how the turbo tunnel segment was botched in terms of programming. I'd tell the creator myself but I would have to sign up to do so.
One of the earliest memories I have of my life is trying countless times to get through that damn tunnel and never being able to pull it off. Battletoads was one of the first games I ever owned but I never got past that part of the game. It ruined what was otherwise a great game. I replayed those first two levels countless times, but I could never get past the tunnel segment.
Also, great pixel art to whoever is responsible for the art in that game. It looks great. Also, I dig the honey comb level, predictably for nostalgic reasons (I <3 DKC2)