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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #30 on: October 11, 2011, 09:16:53 AM »
Hey Jorge, playing with you guys from the Dungeon makes things super fast and easy haha. Sorry if I seemed kinda lost at times, it was my first time at level 3  :P.

Hope we can play again sometime!
Haha, that explains who our third member was xD You did well, though if you were getting lost in Chapter 3, wait till Chapter 4 or 8. Lots of fun getting lost when I first played the game. Anyways great working with you both and hopefully we can do a few runs together again some time. On my end it was thanksgiving dinner, then after that a few of my other friends wanted to do some runs. But next time around count on me to stick with you guys.

It's alright.  You were Julius, right? I saw your flag and thought you would speak spanish so I was attempting to get you to break the blocks by giving you directions "en español", hahaha.  Meanwhile I was by one of the switches so that I can give Menace a giant spike to the eye, but that turned out to not happen at all, what with him getting a serious beatdown.
Oh yeah, so that explains why you were waiting there. I actually didn't know we could use that to spike menace in the face, I usually just use it as a platform to attack the face directly. Now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't be using Richter since that character is the one I use in hard mode xD But if Im picky then I'll just equip some stuff from normal then run with you guys (had all my stuff from hard mode, and the damage output is quite a lot when using it in normal). One other thing I should show you is how much faster you go with the winged boots (just got it yesterday). Then you have a goal for Alucard so he doesn't move as slow as he does initially (I personally was rather happy at how much a difference it made for Richter).

So next time you catch me online, send an invite over and I'll be glad to help you find equips for your characters. Also, tell me if you want me to sweep the level or just run it normally (With normal mode I can, once we go to hard mode, then that's questionable). I can't host any games for squat as my internet is only stable enough to let me play with other people. even then, sometimes there's a bit of lag but that might be because of the host I run with.

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2011, 10:15:48 AM »
I'm pretty awesome at hosting, but usually play on Normal since I'm rather new at the game. When I'm hosted by others, it's usually on hard mode.

I've pretty much bought everything the shop has to offer so far, so I'm all about the treasure hunt, whether by item drops or by chests.
I was Alucard, and sad6666 was Julius. I'll probably play tonight for a while.I sent invites to other cvdungeon people, and I can host and have a mic. :)
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Offline Kusanagi

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #32 on: October 11, 2011, 10:37:41 AM »
I'm pretty awesome at hosting, but usually play on Normal since I'm rather new at the game. When I'm hosted by others, it's usually on hard mode.

I've pretty much bought everything the shop has to offer so far, so I'm all about the treasure hunt, whether by item drops or by chests.
I was Alucard, and sad6666 was Julius. I'll probably play tonight for a while.I sent invites to other cvdungeon people, and I can host and have a mic. :)
Thats fine all the same, if ever I could just run as Charlotte and act as support instead of "speed rush kill" that I usually go for. Anyways just let me know if you want me to use Charlotte, Alucard, or Richter, as those three Im working on (Richter the most of course xD).

Good thing you bought out the shop though, the master rings ought to come in handy if you're planning to use any character that levels up their hunter skills. I probably won't bring out my mic till Friday though (assuming that I go online on Friday, got studying to do as well). Depending on how things go, I might go online tonight as well. So as soon as you see me, send an invite xD

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #33 on: October 11, 2011, 12:20:17 PM »
I don't have the Master Ring available yet.  I've only completed up to chapter 4 (Brauner).  On 1player mode I got killed by Grim Reaper at the multi-clock tower... so I only have the shop equipment that's available as of yet... but I do have everything in it.
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Offline Kusanagi

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2011, 12:46:54 PM »
I don't have the Master Ring available yet.  I've only completed up to chapter 4 (Brauner).  On 1player mode I got killed by Grim Reaper at the multi-clock tower... so I only have the shop equipment that's available as of yet... but I do have everything in it.
Oh yeah, thats right the master ring only appears after clearing a certain chapter... Don't remember which one though.

The reaper and his griefing, fun times. Well though I can assume you beat him in multiplayer, but in any case if I have time Im game to help you through it in multiplayer. Though it will be interesting to see how you guys handle Astare.

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #35 on: October 11, 2011, 01:37:17 PM »
I handle Astarte by dying. :P
I cannot read her moves when I'm zoomed out so I always get hit by the heart arrows.  I know I should be using the mist form when that happens with Al.

I've not beaten the Reaper in multiplayer or single player, as I only very recently unlocked his stage.  I did reach him but he destroyed me.
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Offline Kusanagi

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #36 on: October 11, 2011, 04:56:16 PM »
I handle Astarte by dying. :P
I cannot read her moves when I'm zoomed out so I always get hit by the heart arrows.  I know I should be using the mist form when that happens with Al.

I've not beaten the Reaper in multiplayer or single player, as I only very recently unlocked his stage.  I did reach him but he destroyed me.
Probably shouldn't zoom out when fighting Astarte xD Zoom in is the first thing you should do before fighting her especially. Best way to fight her I find is staying behind her as much as possible. So attack about 2 - 3 times then jump over her, rinse and repeat till she dies. Once she is about to use temptation, there's a small gap where the hearts can't hit and you need only double jump over it (use the mist form as well to keep yourself in the air for a few seconds longer).
How-to: Farm Chapter 7 for Miser Rings

Right at around 2:10, if you pause there you can see where they will come from and the double jump ought to clear it relatively easy. But when she's against a wall and you're infront of her, you'll have no choice but to use the mist form to dodge it (or have a friend hold the door xD). Astarte took me some time to learn her pattern well enough, and now I can fight her confidently (well, except when other players are spamming their laser attacks, cus then I can't see Astarte for me to read her moves.

Her green triangles of death can be dodged by ducking to my understanding, and her tornado just pick up on her motion before she does it then jump over it (or if you feel risky, you can crouch infront of her and attack at punch distance. That dodges the triangles and the tornados, but not her close range attack or heart arrows).

The reaper's patterns can catch me off guard at times as well, even after seeing his cues of his attacks. Just try to pick up on the tells of his attack, then you should be able to relatively dodge his attacks good enough.

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #37 on: October 17, 2011, 01:17:01 PM »
Add me if you want. Vrakanox :) I play when I can. I'm not that good but I play as Alucard and I'm trying to get all the items and stuff.

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #38 on: October 17, 2011, 09:31:56 PM »
Probably shouldn't zoom out when fighting Astarte xD Zoom in is the first thing you should do before fighting her especially. Best way to fight her I find is staying behind her as much as possible. So attack about 2 - 3 times then jump over her, rinse and repeat till she dies. Once she is about to use temptation, there's a small gap where the hearts can't hit and you need only double jump over it (use the mist form as well to keep yourself in the air for a few seconds longer).
How-to: Farm Chapter 7 for Miser Rings

Right at around 2:10, if you pause there you can see where they will come from and the double jump ought to clear it relatively easy. But when she's against a wall and you're infront of her, you'll have no choice but to use the mist form to dodge it (or have a friend hold the door xD). Astarte took me some time to learn her pattern well enough, and now I can fight her confidently (well, except when other players are spamming their laser attacks, cus then I can't see Astarte for me to read her moves.

Her green triangles of death can be dodged by ducking to my understanding, and her tornado just pick up on her motion before she does it then jump over it (or if you feel risky, you can crouch infront of her and attack at punch distance. That dodges the triangles and the tornados, but not her close range attack or heart arrows).

The reaper's patterns can catch me off guard at times as well, even after seeing his cues of his attacks. Just try to pick up on the tells of his attack, then you should be able to relatively dodge his attacks good enough.

Its WAY faster and WAY easier to get a friend to farm Miser rings with due to a secret button at the dropping spikes

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Offline Kusanagi

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #39 on: October 17, 2011, 10:21:09 PM »
Its WAY faster and WAY easier to get a friend to farm Miser rings with due to a secret button at the dropping spikes
That it is xD This Richter is showing how to farm for it alone (no damage and berserker mail I can guess). Just used that video to show Jorge how to dodge the temptation attack of Astarte. Though with proper timing of the mist form, this method isn't as necessary.

At the moment I myself am going after the ebisu ramient and one more thief ring then after that go after the retro/fuma armor (though more after the fuma armor).


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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #40 on: October 19, 2011, 01:49:11 AM »
Hey. Been checking this site occasionally for a few years and finally made an account. Feel free to add me on PSN: nekrolust88, I can help out whenever I'm online playing. Cheers.

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #41 on: October 22, 2011, 10:19:34 PM »
Hello, does anyone have a free PS3 download slot and is willing to let me download Fuma, Maria, and the music packs from them?  Thanks if anyone can help.

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #42 on: November 13, 2011, 05:28:11 PM »

just got my sonic boots today  ;D

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #43 on: November 16, 2011, 07:02:38 AM »
I dropped off the face of the earth for a while, but i just picked up HoD on sunday and was hoping i could get in on some games with some good players. I dont have a Mic but for what its worth i did solo up til drac lol. Not really saying much i know but my buddy who was intended on being my co-op go to guy hasnt been able to be on. Anyways my PSN ID is baphomet_tocs and i usually play after 7pm central.
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Offline Kusanagi

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #44 on: November 20, 2011, 11:48:17 AM »
I dropped off the face of the earth for a while, but i just picked up HoD on sunday and was hoping i could get in on some games with some good players. I dont have a Mic but for what its worth i did solo up til drac lol. Not really saying much i know but my buddy who was intended on being my co-op go to guy hasnt been able to be on. Anyways my PSN ID is baphomet_tocs and i usually play after 7pm central.
Hmm, our time zones may be different but I don't mind running some rounds with you if you're in need of a partner. I'll add you (or you can add me if you get on before me, my ID is a page before) and if I catch you online I'll help you out.

Just don't count on me too much for hosting games, since my internet tends not to be very cooperative at times. Only works half the time for hosting, and I rarely ever host.

btw, are you playing on normal or the hard difficulty? just curious, though props for soloing up to Dracula

