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Offline cmdood

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #45 on: November 21, 2011, 12:04:22 AM »
I dropped off the face of the earth for a while, but i just picked up HoD on sunday and was hoping i could get in on some games with some good players. I dont have a Mic but for what its worth i did solo up til drac lol. Not really saying much i know but my buddy who was intended on being my co-op go to guy hasnt been able to be on. Anyways my PSN ID is baphomet_tocs and i usually play after 7pm central.
My Soma is getting pretty god-like so if you need someone to run you up to Drac (Hard) then i'd be happy to help

Offline Joachimdragoon

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #46 on: November 22, 2011, 05:52:45 PM »
I knew I came to the right forum, for some reason I'm having a hard time getting co op play these days on the psn network, yet curiously its one of the top downloaded games on psn right now. Anyways my tag is JoachimDragoon.


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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #47 on: January 04, 2012, 03:00:03 PM »
My psn is: theGOLDENpotato3

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #48 on: January 14, 2012, 02:20:42 AM »
endofline_l51 here.

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2012, 12:12:52 AM »
Sir-Longwood with the -

Offline Esco

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #50 on: January 27, 2012, 06:47:05 PM »

Please let me know you are from the dungeon and your sn here, or I may reject it otherwise.  8)

I have actually gotten pretty good now at beating every stage with Soma & Richter on hard. My Maria and Yoko are high levels too, but they need robe decolletes and philosophers stones still.

EDIT: Now my Soma is getting really good; some of the good stuff I have found is a valmanway + 1, sonic boots, muramasa, kaiser knuckle+1, claimh solais, royal crown, satans ring, megingiord, dracula tunic, etc. But damn soul farming for boss souls and miser rings is a PAIN!  I have yet to get one miser ring in over 120 plays of CH 7. :-\ Well at least my Richter is maxed out.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 11:33:51 PM by Esco »
- Esco... the original New Yurican and creator of the Castlevania: SOTN Hacked Engine!

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #51 on: February 21, 2012, 11:27:09 AM »

I only just recently got this game and the DLCs, so I still have a lot to learn, but playing alone or in random groups is pretty boring (plus random groups a pretty damn hard to find). I'd really like to find some people to storm Castlevania on a regular basis.

My main is Alucard. Ever since I've got my two Yasutsunas he's been my favourite and I'd like to hunt for some better items for him.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 11:41:57 AM by Ikarus »

Offline Esco

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #52 on: February 22, 2012, 04:24:09 PM »

I only just recently got this game and the DLCs, so I still have a lot to learn, but playing alone or in random groups is pretty boring (plus random groups a pretty damn hard to find). I'd really like to find some people to storm Castlevania on a regular basis.

My main is Alucard. Ever since I've got my two Yasutsunas he's been my favourite and I'd like to hunt for some better items for him.

I may be able to help you with that: My soma at this point is maxed, I have every +1 except for a muramasa + 1 (which I would never use), and I do want a second valmanway + 1 just for kicks.

My Richter is maxed out stat wise, and all his retro subs are at level 8. He also has all his best gear

My alucard needs 4 more soul steals but everything else is maxed, and at most he might make use of a 2nd yusutsuna +1 (though I tend to use that with a valmanway +1 for more range)

My charlotte is maxed and has the best gear; same for yoko, EXCEPT she needs 9 philosopher's stones (I would never use them so I don't try to farm them often)

I have gotten really quick and good at just every stage, and I can even beat bosses solo with 3-4 people playing. If you want me to help you find stuff, just send me a friend invite and I will. :)
- Esco... the original New Yurican and creator of the Castlevania: SOTN Hacked Engine!

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Offline Ridureyu

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #53 on: February 26, 2012, 01:40:15 PM »

I've really just been soloing stuff as Shanoa. My internet is a little sketchy out here in the country, so I'm not sure how well a game would work before it gets laggy.

Offline Crissaegrim

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #54 on: March 04, 2012, 09:17:31 AM »

Please let me know you are from the dungeon and your sn here, or I may reject it otherwise.  8)

I have actually gotten pretty good now at beating every stage with Soma & Richter on hard. My Maria and Yoko are high levels too, but they need robe decolletes and philosophers stones still.

EDIT: Now my Soma is getting really good; some of the good stuff I have found is a valmanway + 1, sonic boots, muramasa, kaiser knuckle+1, claimh solais, royal crown, satans ring, megingiord, dracula tunic, etc. But damn soul farming for boss souls and miser rings is a PAIN!  I have yet to get one miser ring in over 120 plays of CH 7. :-\ Well at least my Richter is maxed out.

Oh wow, we played a couple runs a few weeks back on chapter 11! S/n HashiriyaZ. I'm not on to often, but I try to play in the evening time. Mostly play as Soma.

Offline Esco

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #55 on: March 14, 2012, 11:48:53 AM »
I think I remember you, and I think you are on my friends list too. Though my skills in that Chapter have greatly improved since. Lately when I play there are 4-6 of us, and I usually kill decapiclops solo (since so many people seem to hate him), then had straight for Ryukotuski. By the time the others catch up his 3rd form is usually below half life. I tend to go into the fight with lv 9. oxocutioner on, r medusa head, get close and us kaiser knuckle +1, so it tears him up! You should see how shocked people are that I can pull that off over and over.  8)
- Esco... the original New Yurican and creator of the Castlevania: SOTN Hacked Engine!

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #56 on: March 21, 2012, 06:52:01 PM »
I just bought the game about 3 days ago so I still am pretty much noob to the layouts of the castles. My psn is NightzeroAX. Looking for some people to play with. I only have Lord of the Flies DLC. I main Jonathan.

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #57 on: April 03, 2012, 12:39:14 PM »
My new PSN is RogerCraigSmith.

Anyone interested in playin' with me? Please note I just recently bought the PS3 version, and the only DLC I have with it is Richter. :\ I main Alucard.
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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #58 on: April 12, 2012, 08:51:37 AM »
I've been playing pretty steady lately,  I got the best gear now for a few characters. Add me if you want someone to run with.

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Re: HoD Gamertag Thread (PS3 version)
« Reply #59 on: April 20, 2012, 04:15:00 PM »
You can find me at DraculaCronqvist, as usual. Got all DLC, but I only play when others are around, so the gear I have is average at best. My main Characters are Julius and Alucard.
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