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Vampire Killer whip guide
« on: June 12, 2014, 07:21:44 PM »
---===Guide to the "Vampire Killer" whip===---
The Legendary Weapon of Castlevania

This guide covers all 2D Castlevania / Akumajou Dracula games except
Harmony of Despair for PS3/Xbox360 and Order of Shadows for US mobile phone
since I have never gotten to try them. Detailed info on them would be appreciated.
I have also yet to try 3D games that play 2D style such as
the Rondo of Blood remake and LoS:Mirror of Fate.
All mentions of Aria of Sorrow or Dawn of Sorrow pertain to Julius only as
Soma's whip swords are limited to a standard straight forward attack.
EXCEPT I haven't gotten to see DoS's glitch whip weapon to see its behavior.
SotN means Symphony of the Night and NitM means Nocturne in the Moonlight
 which is the Japanese version.

Cv Order of Ecclesia taking place about 1810 is the only Cv game without the
Vampire Killer or any whip at all.  By 1830, the Vampire Killer is back in
use in Circle of the Moon and called the "Hunter Whip" there.
During the 200 year absence of the Belmonts between 1797 and 1999 the
Vampire Killer was still handed down and used by others.

---===Big List of Whip Features in games===---

Games with up and downward attacks: SuperCvIV, CvBloodlines,
Cv Potrait of Ruin (Jonathon only: Diagonal down only with whip skill 2 and only
 straight upward whip strike is special: forward, forward+attack with Nebula).
 The Nebula's normal autoseeking can go diagonally down or up.
Homemade games: CvFighter (alternate Simon), Super Vampire Killer

Games with downward swings only:
CvChronicles (PSX game) (diagonal or straight)
Cv SotN / Drac X NitM (Alucard only with Star Flail
  but only slightly diagonal down on ground or in air.
  This and maybe the Nebula's autoseeking in Portrait of Ruin are the
  only instances in any games where you can attack diagonally down with a
  whip weapon while on the ground.)

Games with diagonal upward swings only:
Cv Circle of the Moon (with Mercury/Diana plus Manticore cards)
Homemade: Vampire by Sprite Soft

Games where you can grapple and swing around:
SuperCvIV and Cv Bloodlines
In SCvIV you can only grapple special rings that look like door knockers, but you
have full control to stop or build momentum and you can throw subweapons during it.
In SCvIV any contact with enemies will just hurt you and knock you down.
In both games you can press up or down to lengthen or shorten your line.
In Bloodlines with a jumping diagonal up attack only you can grapple any regular
platform or ceiling.  You do a single swing kick and let go.  After which you can
throw subweapons, attack with the whip again, grapple again, or even turn to face
the opposite direction to grapple back and forth. 

Games where you can hold the whip out and weakly fling around:
SuperCvIV, Cv SotN/Drac X NitM (full power fling in this game only),
Cv Harmony of Dissonance, Aria of Sorrow, Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin

Games where you can hold the whip out and weakly auto-spin:
Cv Circle of the Moon, Harmony of Dissonance (with Energy Circle equipped)

Games where straight whip wind up and swing beginning can hit behind and above:
Castlevania Drac X (SNES version only) - good distance behind but only slight above
Cv SotN/Drac X NitM (Richter only)
Cv Harmony of Dissonance
Cv Adventure Rebirth
Cv Dawn of Sorrow
Cv Portrait of Ruin (Jonathon only but short range behind)
Cv Aria of Sorrow (but very small range)
In Bloodlines it seems the whip can hit candles only above but it's probably just
  due to their hit detection extending down lower than they appear.

Games where straight whip wind up can hit behind:
Castlevania Drac X (SNES version only) - good distance
Cv SotN/Drac X NitM  (Richter only) - good distance
Cv Bloodlines - good distance
Cv Harmony of Dissonance - good distance
Cv Adventure Rebirth - decent distance
CV Portrait of Ruin (Jonathon has small range. Richter has good range)
Cv Dawn of Sorrow
CvII: Simon's Quest (Morning Star and Flame Whips only)
Cv Aria of Sorrow (but very small range)

Games with Flame Whip:
CvII: Simon's Quest
Drac X Rondo of Blood (itemless crash for single flame whip attack)
Cv SotN / Drac X NitM (itemless crash for temporary flame whip, PSX has double damage and
 elemental damage, making it 4x regular on some enemies, but on Saturn it's goofed up with
 simply cool GFX and SFX and neither elemental nor extra damage)
Cv Circle of the Moon (flame whip with Mercury + Salamander cards)
Cv Portrait of Ruin (weapon for Jonathon only. Also the Undead Killer whip
 or the true power Vampire Killer will have flames with their specials: forward, forward+attack)
Not really: In Harmony of Dissonance you can equip Red Stone for fire damage
  but there's no flame graphic effect.
  Bloodlines has a light blue energy whip. (Maybe it's just super hot?)
  Also in Harmony of Dissonance you can equip the Crushing Stone to charge
  the whip for a light blue energy whip attack for more damage or to destroy
  some rock barriers, but that appears more like blue lightning and just does
  physical damage.
Homemade game: Super Vampire Killer (As a sub item which does Rondo style attack)

Games where whip can shoot fireballs:
Cv Adventure, Cv Adventure Rebirth, Cv II: Belmont's Revenge, Cv Legends,
Cv Circle of the Moon (with Diana + Salamander cards),
Cv Harmony of Dissance (with Bullet Tip / Soul of Christopher equipped)

Games where you can have different elemental damage on whip:
Cv Circle of the Moon (with Mercury/Diana plus just about any attribute card)
 - more elements on whip and many effects
Cv Harmony of Dissonance (by equipping different stone tips)
 - just tip looks different
Cv Portrait of Ruin (Jonathon only can acquire a few different whips)
All SotN style game features elemental damage, just not always available
 on a whip.

--===Games with Better Whip Control described in more detail===---

Super Cv IV (and homemade games: Cv Fighter and Super Vampire Killer):
Full 8-way attack in air, straight up or diagonal up on ground,
Can hold out and weakly fling around.
Can grapple and swing around, during which you can throw subweapons.
(Homemade games may not feature grappling,flinging/spinning)

Diagonal up or straight down while jumping
Whip also hits a good distance behind with wind up.
Seems wind up can hit candles only above but it's probably just from their
hit detection extending lower than they appear.
Full power whip is a light blue energy whip.
Can grapple and swing kick.

CvChronicles (the Sharp X68000 remake for PSX):
Diagonal down or straight down while jumping

Cv Portrait of Ruin:
Jonathon only with whip skill 2: Diagonal down while jumping
Jonathon with whip skill 1 and Richter: Can hold out and weakly fling around.
Jonathon's wind up can hit above and a little behind.
Richter's wind up can hit behind only but a good distance.
Jonathon can acquire Flame Whip.
Jonathon can acquire Undead Killer which has flames only with special attack.
Jonathon only with true power unlocked Vampire Killer has flames with special.
Jonathon can acquire Medusa Whip which turns enemies to stone.
Jonathon can acquire Nebula which goes a far distance in a squiggle and
  autoseeks targets.  Can go diagonally up or down.  It spirals straight
  upward for its special: forward, forward+attack.

Cv Circle of the Moon:
Activating either Mercury or Diana with the Manticore (poison) card gives
  diagonal up attacking poison whips on the ground and in air while active.
Mercury + Griffin (wind) gives a rapid swinging short whip.  Hold to keep
  attacking.  It goes slight diagonal up and down directions but still only
  in front of you and can't hit above or below.
Can hold out and weakly auto-spin whip around.
With Mercury + Thunderbird, you can hold an electric whip straight out.
With Diana + Thunderbird, auto-spinning whip is electric.
Mercury + Salamander gives Flame Whip.
Mercury + Serpent gives fast but weak Ice Whip.
Diana + Salamander makes whip shoot fireballs.
Diana + Serpent shoots triple iceballs.
Mercury + Cockatrice whip can turn enemies to stone.
Many whip effects and modifiers with Mercury or Diana card combinations.
Pluto + Golem gives Shadow Replica to double your whip attacks, but if both
  hit the same target, only one hit registers.

Drac X Rondo of Blood:
Forward, forward+attack for longer white whip which can be done in the air.
Diagonally down forward, down forward + attack for crouching long white whip.

Cv SotN / Drac X NitM:
Alucard only: Star Flail can attack slightly diagonal down on ground or
 while jumping.  Back, forward + attack causes Star Flail to make a big spark.
Richter only: Wind up can hit above and a good distance behind.
Normal whip stretches in animation and winding up is randomized, sometimes
 starting closer to the ground and sometimes higher up.
Forward, forward makes you run and whipping will make you come to sliding stop.
Forward, forward + attack or Back, forward + attack will do a sliding forward whip,
  kicking up dust at your feet.
Can hold whip out and fling around for regular full damage (Only game where
 flinging around like this isn't weaker than regular attack).
Itemless crash gives a temporary flame whip.

Thanks to Whipsmemory, X, and Zangetsu468 for helping me reach conclusions
on Richter's whip mechanics and specials in Rondo of Blood and SotN/NitM.

---===Alucard's Spear===---
Another prominent weapon of the Castlevania series
given to Eric Lecarde by Alucard

Cv Bloodlines:
Diagonal up or straight up on ground, straight down in air.
Spear also hits a good distance behind with wind up.
Hold attack and press back and forth to spin spear back and forth.
Crouch + jump for vertical pole vault attack & high jump.
Full power spear has green flame around prongs.

Drac X NitM (Saturn version only):
Can attack diagonal down on ground or in air.
Back, forward + attack to shoot lasers.
Quarter circle down to forward + attack does bunch of random thrusts.

Cv Portrait of Ruin (weapon for Jonathon only):
Forward, forward + attack to fly straight up out of screen and come flying
  straight down with down thrust.

Cv Judgment (3D game so details not relevent in this guide except that the
  vertile pole vault is Eric's evasion move done with secondary analog stick)

***Super Bonus***
---===Notable versions of the song Vampire Killer===---
In games:
SNES Cv Dracula XX
Cv Harmony of Despair
Castlevania the Arcade Game (Newer one with whip handle controller)
Castlevania Judgement
Super Cv IV
Remix #2 though #1 is also decent in Saturn version only of Drac X NitM
Cv Adventure Rebirth
Contra Hard Corps - Simon 1994 RD
  (A remix on crack that sounds like it's combined with Tetris)
Versions by other artists:
Banjo Guy Ollie
Minibosses - Castlevania 1 track (includes two other songs)
Jorge Fuentes
Jay Reichard
Joshua Morse (track 1 of Castlevania: Sonata of the Damned)
Brandon Strader (track 7 of Vampire Variations vol.1)

***Super Duper Bonus***
---===Notes on Real Whips===---
Because it's always good to have some understanding of actual reality...

Learned from someone (Woman of the duo act Arson?) at Steampunk World's Fair
that to crack a real whip you don't do a snapping motion.  You do a continuous
follow through swing and the tip of the whip breaks the sound barrier creating a
small sonic boom.  Wyck, who also performed at the Steampunk World's Fair,
demonstrated a continous combination of four quick successive cracks.  A little
Halloween prop whip probably isn't going to cut it but can maybe make a little
snapping or lashing sound with snapping or swinging motions and may be able to
cut down some weeds.  Grappling and swinging like Indiana Jones might be possible
with a sturdy enough whip.

In CvII: Simon's Quest one version of the whip is called a Morning Star, but
in real history a morning star is a straight mace weapon like in SotN/NitM or
Portrait of Ruin and not a flexible flair.

And apparently the flame whip is real!
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 02:05:02 PM by EisaKrieger »

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Re: Vampire Killer whip guide
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2014, 11:48:21 AM »
Found a major error.  I thought it kinda lame how the itemless crash flame whip in NitM was simply cool effects and no special damage.  Turns out it's just a mistake they made in the Saturn version and the PSX version is more powerful with elemental fire damage.

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Re: Vampire Killer whip guide
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2014, 12:43:29 PM »
That is quite the extensive guide!  ???
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Re: Vampire Killer whip guide
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2014, 02:04:53 PM »
looks like you forgot to mention that in rondo of blood (works with drac x chronicles as well) you can have your whip reach a bit farer by pressing forward twice while striking, the whip will glow white and extend itself of a few pixels

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Re: Vampire Killer whip guide
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2014, 08:15:06 PM »
I did not forget....  Because I didn't know it in the first place thanks.  I'll just figure out where best to add that in and credit you.

Tested it in Rondo just fine but doesn't seem to work in the PSX or Saturn SotN/NitM.  Of course he can run in that game so I can start to run and whip and he slides forward a little while whipping before stopping.  I'll have to play with it some more.

Also some whip mechanics were brought up in this thread,7143.0.html
But I haven't got any of those variations of the whip animation to work either.

There's also Richter's Portrait of Ruin appearance I gotta mess with now and see what works.

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Re: Vampire Killer whip guide
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2014, 12:15:11 AM »
Only the whip trick works in Rondo. It was never followed up in SotN. The attack would be akin to Maria's self-projection attack.
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Offline zangetsu468

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Re: Vampire Killer whip guide
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2014, 02:06:33 AM »
Only the whip trick works in Rondo. It was never followed up in SotN. The attack would be akin to Maria's self-projection attack.

Yes it does, in Sotn/nocturne the sequence of buttons is <- -> + attack

It doesn't matter which way you're facing, it just has to be back first, then forward while attacking.

                                 ^      l   v  ^    v                 ^
                                 ^      l   v  ^    +<<<<<<<BE
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v                 ^  
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v     BE>>> VK<**   
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v     ^          ^   
            +<<<<<Legends>HC>OOS>LOD>64       ^
            v                           l              ^                ^
            v                           l     BE>> * <<<BE    RE
            v                           l      ^               ^       ^
BE=Bad Ending
RE=Richter Ending

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Re: Vampire Killer whip guide
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2014, 09:44:05 AM »
Yes it does, in Sotn/nocturne the sequence of buttons is <- -> + attack

It doesn't matter which way you're facing, it just has to be back first, then forward while attacking.

I know this attack too. I've done it several times as it looks awesome in the animations. But it is not the same attack as  in Rondo. It does no real extra damage, it just has a different animation so to speak. The best way to know for sure is to test it out.
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Re: Vampire Killer whip guide
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2014, 04:03:52 PM »
I think I've gotten to the bottom of this.

In Rondo we have >,>+Attack for the longer white whip which can be done in the air, or diagonally down forward, down forward + attack to do it crouching.

In NitM/SotN, when just repeatedly whipping normally you'll notice the whip winding up is randomized.  It's a very fast animation but you'll notice sometimes it starts closer to the ground and sometimes higher up.  >,> makes you run and whipping will make you come to sliding stop.   >,>+attack or <,>+attack will do a sliding forward whip, kicking up dust at your feet.

Please correct me if I missed something.

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Re: Vampire Killer whip guide
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2014, 05:36:55 PM »
Pressing forward twice in succession will cause Richter to run. Then when he attacks he will slide on the ground while attacking. This is not the same attack as in Rondo. You're pretty much correct EisaKrieger.
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